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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Nope, but I hear Flea slipping into playing 'Cosmic Slop' @ 2 minutes in the above clip. 🙂
  2. You summoned me to this thread With this ^^^^ 😗
  3. Damned belt buckles an' sheet 😬
  4. What's it for? Cigars? A Luger? So far its just annoying.
  5. "Nut Material: Beef Bone" What does beef bone sound like? I wouldn't want it to sound too 'obvious'.
  6. Who can afford £28,000 or whatever for a real 4005!?
  7. I was hoping to sneak in there before you, dammit!
  8. Anybody mentioned his website? (shown on his LinkedIn profile): https://www.funktionjunction.com/
  9. That's a crazy looking bridge on that bass! 👌
  10. This makes sense. It didn't sound likely that he'd go to the trouble and expense of sending parcels to himself... so he simply shows his victim tracking details of a random parcel he's received / receiving... deceitful, not very difficult, and not very clever. Although I (thankfully) don't have a dog in this fight -- thanks for posting up your experience. 👍
  11. Or F, as interestingly, they're tuned a half step up compared to the songs on the album. 👍
  12. Playing that Tele body / P neck as mentioned in the OP.
  13. Ya! Anodising is all wires and electric isn't it??
  14. Greetings, Meatbag. 🙂 I'm sure I have that you know. My hands are increasingly cool in the summer, and cold in winter. They say cold hands are good for making pastry!
  15. Very nice. 😎 A happy ending, although I feel the seller might have helped a bit by investing in a roll of that red & white 'FRAGILE' tape.
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