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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. I hate the look of any P/J 🤮
  2. Did you think about having that nice new J neck on a P body? 🙂
  3. That is impressive, Stew!! 😮 For me, the key to using this type of kit is to use it often enough to remember what the heck it does, and what the heck I did with it before. I'm like that with Reaper. I'll be on a steep curve learning to do a few tricks, then not really use it for months, by which time I've forgotten most of what I knew.
  4. Mr @Al Krow's thread there is top o' the range 👍
  5. I think I can speak for the men (and women), when I say we do notice. Once you point it out! 👍
  6. There's a lot in there to play with. @operative451 put up some monster patches a while ago. I found the post:
  7. Again, I don't think it works like that. A patch is made up of so many effects from the effects pool. So if 007 is made up of 5 effects, I don't think you can have that group of 5 as a single effect inside a patch. In other words, you can't have a patch inside a patch. If that's what you mean.
  8. I installed both, haven't really done enough with them to comment, except I think Guitar lab is easy to back up all the factory patches, and add all the newer ones from the Zoom website. I think so far that one will be better for some jobs / the other better for other jobs.
  9. I dunno if it really works like that. You know you can i.e. be playing through patch 007 (harmonics), press STOMP, the middle FS2 switch becomes REVERB on/off. Or you copy 007 to say, 100, then you could also copy it to 101 and set 101 with the reverb off. So there's more than one way to skin a chicken. 🙂 You know that Bridgey wouldn't trust a B3(n or not) as a live device, but don't worry about him. 😗
  10. The footswitch setting is probably not what you're looking for. It is probably the setting for using the optional Zoom FP02M.
  11. * except on the 'posting without reading' thread.
  12. Hhhhh, it's not possible to individually ignore your own sig'
  13. Click here RB: 👍
  14. I'd forgotten about this -- Topping the Radio Jamaica chart for 11 weeks in 1985!
  15. I could listen to Imelda May forever!
  16. The Gloria Jones version of Tainted Love is much better anyway. 😛
  17. Have you ever tried doing "Watching the detectives" with the band, Rich? I always think it would fit well with The Specials songs. Interestingly (to me), Andrew Bodnar from Graham Parker's band did the bass on that one.
  18. And then there's this 🙂 Respect to that guy for sticking with explaining it all!
  19. Staying with Stevie, "I was made to love her" is a classic Jamerson bassline. Lady Marmalade - The Labelle version from 1975. I love to play along to that. And then there's this:
  20. Very 😎
  21. Hrm, that's a thought...
  22. I just need to get folks to start calling me Ricky Reader.
  23. That's Ok, because my ska band will be called "Readers Wives" 😛
  24. I believe it is mate, the cricket bat shaped one. Having a look around, a battered B2 seems to be a similar price to a brand new Steinberger Spirit! More research required, but the new budget Steinberger might be a better bet for me. I used to have a Hohner Jack bass (headless, active, but regular body shape), and that was pretty good. 🙂
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