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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. I wants a Hohner B2 -- Quite badly. πŸ˜—
  2. Classic thread that πŸ˜ƒ
  3. I know you didn't. πŸ‘ Please don't take offence at our light-hearted meanderings. I'll try to find a quote for you...
  4. I've watched VW's 'workshop' DVDs. Preview He seems a great teacher, and a lovely bloke. Great as in 'That was a great cheeseburger', rather than great like a God or something. edit: and he loves using the looper
  5. We did Peter and the Wolf at junior school, I loved it too. Then I remember doing 'music' during the first year at comp', but I don't remember much about it, except counting to four and clapping. Which is exactly where I am now decades later, with the ABRSM Book 1 Music Theory. πŸ™„
  6. Ah, what I meant was -- I totally like him. 😢 Oooo! πŸ˜—
  7. Me too. Andy, I don't like the old guitarist much, either! πŸ˜› What you want, is a younger Andy Summers πŸ‘
  8. Ricky 4000


    @Bridgehouse may have mentioned that you can buy a modern fliptop Ampeg cab to go with the PF series valve tops. πŸ™‚
  9. Have you seen this one: πŸ˜„
  10. Life is a minestrone Served up with parmesan cheese Death is a cold Lasagne Suspended in deep freeze Love is a fire of flaming brandy Upon a crepe suzette Let's get this romance cooking, honey But let us not forget Life is a minestrone Served up with parmesan cheese Death is a cold Lasagne Suspended in deep freeze In your opinion 10cc, in YOUR opinion.
  11. Great bassline and excellent playing! Really good bass tone as well. IMHO the high contrast visual effect looks good, but it does wash out what you're doing on the fretboard (only a problem if you want the video to be instructional for other bass players). Enjoyed that - Thanks πŸ‘
  12. Seemed I was missing out on something here - Not any more πŸ˜› Is there any other merch? I look good in orange πŸ˜—
  13. But what if it's 'The One'!? 😣
  14. Too many BCers looking at that bass. They just put the price up by Β£2 !!!
  15. Amazing value... is it light / medium / heavy Stew? πŸ™‚
  16. I wasn't trying to illustrate that it is. πŸ™‚ I was just responding to the assertion that: There are very few examples of musically uneducated creative types, who are successful Thank you daddy πŸ™‚
  17. I'm just saying that there are, and have been, many many great creators who are/were great without advanced knowledge of music theory. I was beginning with those Delta blues players, but you could start anywhere. In my view, for every 'book smart' muso, there's a guy or gal saying 'I don't know what the chord is, I just put this finger there instead of there'. One could take the view that advanced theory is more useful to a critic than a creator (although as I said, I'm not against learning!).
  18. I'm not dissing music theory or lessons (I'm really not), but that is really not true for modern / popular music. Starting with probably every early Delta blues artist.
  19. I think you'll find that the 'bone is a jazz instrument. You're welcome.
  20. Another happy customer here πŸ‘ The Kiogon solderless J bass pots & wiring loom kit is a great upgrade for my bass. Top quality parts, all professionally pre-soldered together as a 'unit' ready for fitting. Excellent comms from John, very helpful, fast delivery, and packed in it's own little box with tool & instructions. Excellent value for money, and highly recommended πŸ‘
  21. Totally agree. I think it's a great question. πŸ‘
  22. Ricky 4000


    Welcome buddy
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