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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Sorry, misread the thread title there.
  2. Indeed. The Fender flats I've just taken off a bass have the same colour balls.
  3. I recorded it 😬
  4. Thanks for an excellent review of the kit πŸ‘ Regarding pilot holes not being drilled square, or in the right places - I use a dremel with a tiny drill bit fitted for that type of thing.
  5. aaay? πŸ˜„
  6. This ^^^^ Best wishes Stew, I hope things get better πŸ™
  7. Heads up -- The film is on BBC TWO (Wales) this Saturday night! πŸ‘ https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000l3vn
  8. I loves her πŸ’œ
  9. Be very self-conscious and don't try too hard...
  10. Hi John I've snapped the wires off the jack socket of a Vintage brand Jazz bass. Tried to solder it back in, but now the tone pot doesn't do anything! I'm hoping to upgrade with one of your solderless kits!
  11. It's a Vintage brand Icon Jazz bass. It's not a terrible problem mate, just a shame really, because I liked the neck a lot, but the position where the TR was seized, was just short of the right tension. With hindsight, if I knew it would snap before adjusting, I probably could have fitted a set of lower tension strings and it might have been alright! I bought a cheap fleabay 'maple & blocks' neck to fit as a replacement, but it's horribly chunky compared to the original neck. πŸ‘
  12. I can't decide! The following link may be changed without notice:
  13. Well, he doesn't really play bass on it. It's a Herbie Hancock sample.
  14. I haven't - PROCRASTINATION BASS πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
  15. That's because Larry Graham is so cool.
  16. Beware of this, unless you're ready and willing to fully test the bass when you collect it (including truss rod adjusting), and does the seller have an amp to try it with? Or can you take your own? Are you allowed to make a noise at the seller's home? Or are you prepared to take the bass back there if you find it's not right once you get it home? It happened to me like this: I arrived at the very posh house as it was getting dark and spitting with rain... the homeowner (dad) was hovering around outside, clearly concerned about whomever the heck was turning up at his house... Once I'd done a slightly awkward meet and greet with the father, then the seller (teenager) and his mum , I did a quick visual check on the bass as they all watched me play a few quiet notes via the lad's practice amp, before I thanked them, paid cash and left. The bass looked minty enough, and the controls worked OK. Next day at home, I realised the TR adjuster was knackered when I attempted to tweak it. Now, I may be an old softie, but I don't think the young lad was aware of the fault. He seemed so pleased about selling the bass, and it wasn't expensive, so I really couldn't be bothered with complaining and negotiating with his mum, and returning it the 30-odd miles. Turned out that the TR adjuster was not only rounded out, but also seized solid on the TR, so it snapped when I used the 'last resort' (an easy-out)... so the neck was (is) firewood unless I manage to open it up and change the TR one day. So to sum up my thoughts -- P&P would have been a whole lot better. I probably won't be doing the 'collection only' thing again.
  17. It looks a bit 'big' compared to the old pink paisley print, but still - Wow!
  18. That sounds fun! Maybe that's if you're doing a 'Larry Graham' painted fretboard-job (which would be cool).
  19. Nice. I assume they might have been watching Victor and his looper pedal:
  20. Ahem, shouldn't this be on the biscuit thread? πŸ˜—
  21. And what a song... πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ πŸ˜„
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