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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Nice opening. 👍 Regarding the sore fingers, one old-school trick you probably already know is to spread drops of superglue on the fingertips, being careful not to stick them together or onto the bass etc. Then I discovered you can play the bass with gloves on! Either proper 'musician's gloves', or silk ones... which have the added bonus of making one feel extremely sexy... so I'm told.
  2. Glos as in Gloucestershire?
  3. I'd be no good at choosing a set. I tried that kind of thing once and it didn't go well. OTOH, the only Pistols song I've ever played live is New York. Which was an awesome choice IMHO. I should claim it as my idea...
  4. Ooo, some good stuff on there... Stand and deliver?
  5. This is deliciously interesting. What songs are in the set?
  6. I think Paul Martinez was on bass with Robert P at Live Aid. I've had a few lessons with Paul. He's a gent. Did you know - Paul was on the short list to join the Stones years ago, instead they chose Ronnie Wood. 👍
  7. There's also @Bart Funk Basson here, who demos simple funky lines, played impeccably. 👍 Costa del sol eh? I'd love to go somewhere warm like that for the winter! 🥶
  8. *Simonon. 😗
  9. And Paul Simminon. 👍
  10. I was once told that some of the over-paying on fleabay is due to scrotes doing their money laundering!? 😗
  11. I was given my van for free, but it is insured for £840. So who's a winner now?? I am, obviously.
  12. I had a similar problem to this. It turned out I still had my ear muffs on after being outside in the snow. 😄
  13. Nobody reads the stickies.
  14. I cannot take them seriously no more! 😄
  15. Damn. They're sold out in Cardiff. And I could probably go on Thursday. The Cure was probably my favourite band in 1979 or something. Why are gigs I want to go to always sold out? The last time this happened it was 5 Star playing in Gloucester. I was gutted mind.
  16. I read your post, and I thought it was lovely.
  17. Another user of a small Beringer USB mixer, or a Zoom, up in here. 👍 Both fiendishly complex for a newb in different ways - but also fun! 😃
  18. Oh Jeeze.
  19. Good thread... 👍
  20. For those like me who didn't know much about the band, I found this documentary interesting. 👍
  21. Start the video - click share - click copy (next to the url) - paste it on a post in here. 🖕
  22. Its circus. Who ever heard of an Entwistle circus?? Stupid game...
  23. I can definitely play faster on a shorty, but then there are areas where the frets get a little bit close together... you probably have to switch scale completely and get used to it... wax on / wax off... sorry if that's stating the obvious. I think 32" scale is the way to go, but I am still yet to try one. 🤷‍♀️
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