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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Yup, and larger events probably last of all. I'm sure that 'music always finds a way', and 'the cream always rises to the top', but that's OK for me because I don't rely on the entertainment industry to pay my mortgage.
  2. When I joined up I'd had the same one bass for 25 odd years, and the action was way too high.
  3. Looks nice and retro. £350 for the 'mini' here: https://www.musik-produktiv.com/gb/gr-bass-mini-one.html
  4. Thanks BC, for everything I know. And importantly, everything I didn't know 👍
  5. Yes! It does look a bit like that! Swap the neck with the Squier -- it'll look even more like the Yamaha!:
  6. This ^^^^^^ And I was wrong about the headstock. As it's reverse (always cool), I now think it looks better than if it was 3+1 (or actually 1+3 in reverse position). If my left handed son ever loses interest in the bass, I'm having the neck off his LH Bass Collection Jazz.
  7. http://www.thestranglers.co.uk/?p=16131 😥
  8. They say Tru Oil is basically danish oil with a bit of tinted varnish in it... There are rules. First coat needs to be heavy, because you only get one coat that can soak into the wood, and that's the first one. So put on as much as you can and remove the sticky excess the next day with a lint-free rag. Further coats get lighter and lighter until you only need about 6 drops to do the whole thing. Palming it in with the heel of your hand until your hand is red hot and sore - if you can. And don't go using wire wool on it ever (or at least not before you've built up so much depth of finish that you definitely can't snag the wood with the wire wool). For flatting it back between the early coats, use wet/dry (dry), and no finer than 400 grit... this is wood, not car bodywork. If you're wanting to fill the grain, then right at the beginning you'd be making a mulsh with the Danish (or Tru) oil and 400 grit wet/dry. Work it in by hand getting it hot, and finish across the grain with your finger. It'll look a mess, but the excess will rub off the next morning with a rag. Then you might have to do it all again, depending on the grain and how hard you worked before. Aye, you can get a finish like glass (gloss or satin glass), if you work hard enough on it. Once a day for a week, once a week for a month, once a month for a year, then once a year. Possibly overkill for an indoor instrument, but that what 'ye olde walnut gunstock makers' say.
  9. She did Streets of San Francisco as well. Very cool basslines in that, as I remember. 👍 https://www.carolkaye.com/www/library/tvandfilms.htm
  10. I think Carol Kaye did the bass on Kojak, and a bunch of other US TV shows. 👍
  11. I always fancy a '51P whenever I see one. 😍 And I figured it's the fretted bass that you're more likely to get rid of... mind you, your '64 P is interesting (it happens to be my YOB. Not that I'm usually that bothered about YOB basses). I'll have to see what you might put up for sale in the future... I have the money in the bank you know.... making a whooping 0.1% interest at the moment! 🙄
  12. Nah, it was fine actually. The Fishman kit in it is really good. No fuss or feedback when I plugged it in, and still has juice in the old battery! See, my fingers are beginning to polish up the dusty strings! Perhaps one day, you'll give me a small P/X allowance on it, against your green '51 P... 👍
  13. It's looking really good to be fair mate. Is it finished yet? If so, where's the 'money shot'? 😗
  14. Kumbaya ma lordy, kumbya Kumbaya ma lord, kumbaya Kumbaya ma lordy, kumbaya Oh lordy, kill me now
  15. Plus strings, neck, body, pots, wires... might turn out OK!? 😃
  16. Thank you. Around 5 years ago, the wife and I bought each other instruments for xmas. 😗 I picked the acoustic bass, she had a keyboard. I always fancied the idea of a bass with no cables, but I've hardly ever played it... still has the original bronze strings on... I'll get a damp rag and have a go on it now in a minute... 😃
  17. It's exactly this one, just a bit dusty... box is probably up in the loft: https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/fender-cb100ce-acoustic-bass
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