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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. I don't like having to wrap my arms around the big fat body. 😬
  2. I have a Fender acoustic bass I don't want. You could take the frets out and finish the fret board with yacht varnish... you know, like a Jaco kind of experience.
  3. Five grand doesn't sound a bad price for a '64 P bass, so long as it's not sunburst... oh wait... 😬
  4. Think I need a fretless. I've never even played on one since I had a predictably unplayable horrible Marlin P copy, sans frets, when I was a kid about 40 years ago.
  5. Yup, that could be very cool... one thing you can't do now is 'no scratchplate'! πŸ˜ƒ
  6. Nice! What about the pup position thing? You'll have a gap between PG and heel of the neck if you put the pup in the right spot? I was thinking about the 3+1 headstock thing... particularly if you're going for a stingray look... plug the holes, re-drill, re-shape if required, paint the front red, yeah, but at the back -- how about sticking on a thin layer (black 1mm plastic or something?) to hide the re-working...? Has anybody ever done that?
  7. I learned to do this a while ago. I just know that you'll like it @Reggaebass!? I can't do the singing part though... 😬
  8. Hi Abi, hope you're keeping well, and getting to know your bass. 🀞 Regarding home recording: As the comments above, the Scarlett seems to be a smart choice. I'll be looking for one of those myself sometime... my cheap Behringer USB mixer just about works as an interface, but its frustratingly tricky to use. Also as said above, the B3n is great for making strange / cool / funky noises, but it doesn't work as an audio interface. Nice work on the sax by the way -- you have a great tone! πŸ‘
  9. That's fab. Thank you butty. πŸ‘ I didn't even know about fine line tape, plus all the other info is really useful. I might be brave enough to do a headstock front in satin black now! ... I see from pictures, that Fender go over the edge by 1 or 2 mm when they paint the fronts at the factory. I suppose that's a neater job than trying to mask right to the edge? πŸ‘
  10. Don't let me be the thread killer here?! 😬 @Maude -- a painting question if I may? How do the pros get rid of the nasty ridge when joining 2 colours etc? Do you flatten the ridge at all before clearcoating, or just after? πŸ‘
  11. That's a nice colour... though it's a shame you can't do the MM 3+1 (reverse) headstock, but I see what you mean about all the holes, especially on the back side... So, Lotus Cortina ivory, with the sage green PG ! 😍
  12. Aye, black is gotta be the 'safest' choice, with a black PG... it's gonna look bitchin' with the reverse headstock, whatever you do! 🀞
  13. Personally I think it would, with or without painted headstock (with = more MMish, without = more Fenderish?). But, could end up looking too much like the Squier VM: Then there's green... 😍
  14. Still, what an awful 'freak accident' to have ! 😬 My very best wishes. Wonderful people at Oswestry. I spent 3 weeks there (years ago). I'm sure you'll be in safe hands (pardon the pun!).
  15. Fascinating! It'll be interesting to see how good a 'rattle can' paintjob can end up. πŸ‘ Here's a thought -- white spray cans are as cheap as black (from the motorfactors)... and could that headstock be converted to 3+1... ? Oooo, white, with those black blocks... with an M&Ms logo! I have other 'ideas', but they're mostly based around an online farting competition... 😬
  16. November 1973 4000 - half a bat neck Output probably around 1V peak, but that's a Rickenbacker volt, which is more powerful than an ordinary volt. πŸ˜ƒ
  17. Lovely paintwork @Maude πŸ‘
  18. Just this week I've been jamming along to the '50th Anniversary Edition' of Sympathy, available for free on The Stones youtube channel. πŸ‘ It's been a long time since I played it. Simple, but fast enough to be a good workout for the fingers. Not sure about wisdom, but it's said that Keith played bass on that track.
  19. Nice job. I thought you'd also fixed the knotted string, but that must have been a different bass (or a different dream).
  20. Weird. Yesterday I had a brief daydream (for no reason), about a bunch of holes drilled in a bass -- and there it is! 😬
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