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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Sorry you had to stop, but I'm sure you'll be fine with the bass! 👍
  2. I didn't make a rule. Fair enough, but I don't feel that's good advice to a new player starting off. It would be limiting. Perhaps in a similar way to a guitarist playing only bar chords. Agreed. But that's not the same as "I avoid open strings in general unless I specifically want their sound".
  3. Good girl! ... Not meaning to be patronising if you know this stuff already -- but watching Tina, you'll see she plays the line with open strings where possible. i.e. she starts off with the open A, while this person: (and many other players I might add) -- Plays it WRONG, by starting on the 5th fret of the E. Using your open strings is important... yes, it might be 'easier' to get it sounding cleaner to begin with by always playing fretted notes (except the low E of course), but that's not the point... Tina plays it like that because it's 'proper'. And it sounds different. And she still plays it that way all these years later - even when she's drunk! The genius James Jamerson used lots of opens too... well, he would do coming from playing the double bass in jazz bands... for one thing, fretless players use the open notes to check their intonation while they play... it's one of the reasons why 'fretters' respect them so much... So, ideally, as you progress on the bass, we should get regular pictures of your 5th fret having no string marks on it (except for where the skinny G string goes, as playing that C is fine!). 😄 As I've nearly bored myself to death with all that -- I'll stop now... but will just add that it's difficult to know what your level is, musically... if you're already proficient on the piano and guitar, and a reader, you probably don't need any of my 'educational' posts! 😃 Always a pleasure 👍
  4. @Al Krow --- So good they thank him twice! 👍 Actually, I might need to be thanking you when I start my thread: 'Giant Steps -- One massive idiot's first fumblings with the Zoom B3n Multi-Effects Processor' Subtitle: 'If it's on fire -- is it likely a hardware problem?' 😃
  5. Learning this one right now: Just in case a) I ever come out of retirement and b) If the band I might be in want to play it whenever idiots shout out for 'Mr Brightside'! 😃
  6. Mine has arrived today too. It's like they sent all the BC orders out at the same time! I'm going to let m'lado open it. I've already sold him on the idea of it's simplicity and ease of use... 👍
  7. Ah damn. If it was close by here I could have got it for you and taught it a few tunes before lockdown's over... 👍
  8. Hrm, Where is it then? 😬 (asking for a friend )
  9. edit: Sorry, must have had my levels a bit too high yesterday! 🥴 Kinga's great isn't she? ❤️
  10. I always love hearing your playing Delano.
  11. I didn't -- but I do now! 😃 👍 👍 O, mg -- that was effing perfect! 🙏
  12. Fair dos to ya, Dave. 👍 Nowt wrong with EC in my book. He also did a good job of this Ray Charles song (IMHO), with Nathan East on the bass: 😎
  13. Alright, fellas 👍 You've probably heard it, but I found the 'Live at the Rainbow' version nicer / less structured / easier to jam along with: I found the studio version bassline quite demanding, and more complex than it seems at first... with a few subtle ways to play it slightly wrong (as many youtubers do 😗). (Although obviously @Reggaebass is far more qualified to comment than me 👍) Or you just give up and play it like Clapton! 😃
  14. So you did buy one, or you didn't? I reckon you could glue one on to a bass, and glue on a phone or ipod as an aux -- make an excellent 'bug out' instrument! 👍
  15. As above ^^^^^^ I assume the waters move more slowly in the recording section vs the general section of BC. 👍
  16. Welcome JohnJohn, you've found the perfect solution -- the bass! 😄
  17. "Just use this for now sonny, I have to download a lot of patches and stuff for that other thing... I may be some considerable time doing all that..." 😃
  18. Ordered! Thanks to the OP for the 'heads up'. 👍 I'm going to give it to my lad for practice. What am I going to do with the B3n that I recently ordered for him for practice? ... Oh I think I'll have to keep that for myself. Far too complicated for him. 😃 😜
  19. *how many things do I have to do before I can play the damn thing?* Minimum = 4 😄 - 😗 - 🤦‍♀️- 😃
  20. It looks great @pepsi-abi 😎 👍
  21. I make that (1234567...) 8 knobs! OMFG! 😄
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