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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. What's wrong with Little Mix now, for Gawd's sake??
  2. Oh, that's ignorant! Is it @Teebs that you're talking about, Rich? If so, then I absolutely agree with you. 😗 Aye, I suppose there's a lot to be said for 'live and let live'.
  3. All the mentions about them that I've seen on here have been positive. I'm tempted by the 'double P' in a background nagging sort of fashion. 😗
  4. How about inviting them both back together next week? Might be fun. 🤜
  5. Those ain't the right lyrics mate. 🤭 It goes like: When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide An' I stop, an' I turn, an' I go for a ride Til I get to the bottom An' I see you again Yeh
  6. Is that one of this? (Go to 4m 00s) 👍
  7. Just looked that up on youtube, and now I have anxiety! 😬
  8. This is true... you can add a space between the characters to stop the conversion: : ( : - o : ) ; )
  9. I'm still too scared to try it, even on my pretty much worthless test bass! I can't get the neck to be anything like the same shape when it's without tension vs with string tension. Plus, when it is under string tension, the slightest tweaks on the TR can make the highest frets appear in different places on the neck! It looks easy on video clips, but I reckon there's a good chance of a DIY job making things worse rather that better. And once you've taken fret material away - you can't put it back! 😬
  10. Sounds like an interesting project, Dave. Can I have a listen?
  11. I quite like it, and I don't usually like those big woody swoopy things... it looks kinda classical... and it looks expensive.
  12. * much time has passed * Those are the ones that can be very rewarding. Personally I tend to 'chip away' at them over weeks (or months, or years!), which is admittedly not much good if you need to learn it by next weekend!
  13. I like your style already. Welcome aboard. 👍
  14. Nice! A little info on this old sales post on reverb: https://reverb.com/ca/item/4788438-esp-400-series-bass-1984-blonde
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