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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Having given that a little more thought (as I was fettling the pickup height on a false jazz bass), I reckon beta males such as ourselves, David Byrne out of Talking Heads, etc -- are alright... it's the alphas that shouldn't be allowed to be singers. 👍
  2. I think on balance, female vox are more pleasing to the ear than male... plus, men are such bastards already, that they really shouldn't be allowed to be singers.
  3. Or shim the neck pocket to get more saddle height (and therefore more break angle on the strings, and more pup cover to use as a thumb rest). 👍
  4. If you were like, Robocop - that is exactly what it would be like. 🤖
  5. I know what you're saying, and I feel sympathy for her too, but this bit of the article annoys me: No, it really wasn't. 😬
  6. Meh, first world problems... it's all insured up the a$$, she'll get another expensive piano and it'll all be fine. 😗
  7. I've put your definition in the urban dictionary for ya, boss. 👍
  8. 'Might have been you'??? F^*£ me, you fold easily under cross examination! 😄 You could ask for a second opinion from @skankdelvar 's lawyer -- but be careful. He sued my mum's bungalow (and contents) off me for 'looking at him in a funny way'. 😬
  9. Re the neck -- Squier PJs always have a skinny J neck on them AFAIK. 👍
  10. I might get me one too. I always seem to drop the regular trianguloid ones at the wrongest moments. 😬
  11. Lucky escape. Before long it'd be: "Great first set mate... You don't mind if Carl steps in for a couple of songs in the second half do ya?"
  12. No, this is what a Jazz sounds like: 🤩
  13. I wish I knew what to suggest, RB. 😬 Has that rig always needed to go deeper, or is it something new? ... I'm wondering if it's the room rather than the rig... 🤔
  14. Heads up! @Happy Jack has just put this up for sale! Oooo.... IF I could spare the cash, and IF I could physically lift that bass -- I would sound immense!!! Now THAT is a reggae bass... 😬
  15. These have also been listening to the Marcus Miller version... 🤩
  16. Doc, I just noticed a complete lack of LEDs on your fretboards!? Do you have anything to say in defence of that? 😀
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