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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. That's nothing, Mr @skankdelvar. At 1:05, this bass player takes his 'and off the neck! 😗
  2. I'd keep the new one for a month at least (less than a month doesn't count as having it) ... (unless it's strictly one-in-one-out on the Modulus vs the Jazz, which I doubt) ... (that would be >>😬)
  3. Oh yes, how about a set of 'XR leadership resin turd fridge magnets'... *searches on Amazon*
  4. While we're at it, did you know that the P bass was designed by Leo, while the J bass was designed by the marketing dept' as a 'deluxe' looking model to simply charge more money for. I'd always go for the J bass because I am that shallow. 😀
  5. It was nice to see two members of The Selecter performing. If I hadn't have watched it, I wouldn't have known they were on! Mind, I could have recorded it (which I did), or watched it with the sound off... About recording it - what a waste of electric that was, because as soon as it finished, I'd already seen it!! Bloody BBC...
  6. I feel your pain, bro. She is and has always been, lovely 🤩
  7. Why's there a fella stood behind Elly Jackson pretending to play a bass... ?
  8. They were like old Alanis Morrisettes... we couldn't decide if they were taking the p1ss... Was the Nutty Professor any good? Couldn't hear her as we were talking here. 😬
  9. Righto, I've set Jools to record (in case I need to look back for forensic pedantry purpose later on). Nothing on there is going to top this though, from a few years back: May all your new years be the greatest, fellow bassers!
  10. Nice one. 👍 I think that was the first Clash album I actually bought, back in the day... The 'gay divorce' and other dramas! 😃
  11. Ohh, you said clock. I really should increase my font size!
  12. Too many years in high heels... well, that's what I often say to myself...
  13. If he's being eaten by a monster, don't you think somebody should do something about it?? 😬
  14. You need to spend more time around hi-fi geeks. They'll tell you different! HTH. 👍
  15. Wow, what a great find! ^^^^^^ Must confess I don't know what most of those pedals are... Here's the same girl playing it at Rough Trade without the studio luxuries: Core of her awesome clanky sound is still there, but with some authentic bum notes thrown in! 😃
  16. I've been to Gloucester and its nothing like a P bass. Just sayin'.
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