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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. I can sound like most of my bass heros (at least for a couple of bars), if I put my mind to it. However, I want this girl's P bass tone: Oh yeah.
  2. It's odd that producers want nothing but good clean signal, so they can then make it sound as muddy as they like. I like mud, and it can be made to sound quite expensive: I can tune down half a step and churn that kinda stuff out all day long. 🤗
  3. Apologies. I must have momentarily lost my mind. 😬 🤐
  4. If I was in a band I'd sack myself for making too many mistakes.
  5. Nice intro, matey - and welcome aboard! 👍
  6. I think fingernail length is an underrated and highly important factor in all this.
  7. Photoshopped by Fender. He's playing a 1967 Hohner 'Reggae Special'. 😑
  8. They're no good for reggae (if you have normal fingers that is, which you obviously don't). 😃
  9. Yup, like RATM for example (although it's apparently only two out of the four that couldn't agree on anything) ... (and yep, I know they're re-forming for some gigs next year)... what they want, is an Ike Turner character to slap 'em about a bit. 😬
  10. As a casual observer of the Aerodyne, I thought the P had a sorta flame top under the trans finish, and a modern spec P neck. There's also an Aerodyne P Special (with the J neck), which could be the cause of some confusion...
  11. 😄 You'll be needing to get the angle grinder out again then, Skizzer. 😃
  12. Any chance of some Basschat carpet slippers for members who don't get out much? Asking for a friend. 😬
  13. Indeed, season's greetings to one and all. ☃️ May your donkeys always be in foal. 👍
  14. Is it the forum moto, which roughly translates: "Just because you can, doesn't always mean you should." 👍
  15. Peace and good will to all men (and wimin). 👍
  16. You know, there's something about all these special reggae basses... Matching headstocks! 😉 😎
  17. Hey Joe, Here's a recent thread you may find interesting:
  18. 😄 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pine-Antique-Corner-Unit/233202909438?hash=item364bfa00fe:g:gg8AAOSwyhVcuYdi
  19. Sounds like he'd already been listening to Talking Heads... Tina's basslines are wonderfully 'accessible' if you ask me:
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