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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. I don't see the point in 50% of my pedals (i.e the Orange Burst)... then I ask myself 'what would Jamerson do?' ... Answer = He'd plug straight in to the desk, and not be offered any work after 1975... No... I've heard Stew's playing, and it sounds bloody great... obviously that's because of all them pedals! πŸ˜ƒ
  2. Boss LMB-3 > Orange Burst overdrive > (Fender clip-on tuna). Them's the only two pedals I've got. And then only one at a time because I only have one 9v transformer. πŸ˜ƒ
  3. He's had a bit of the old Jah cabbage himself! πŸ˜ƒ
  4. Another artiste with 100% feedback...? Nope, I can't think of anybody.
  5. I learned some bits of this: Gonna be a while before I'm proficient at it!
  6. Ahh, that explains it. I don't think wearing odd shoes will ever catch on.
  7. I was looking on there for Nike trainers for my lad. Some idiots on there are selling just one shoe!
  8. Interesting! I see what you did there... I play it like the OP, which is I think how Norman plays it -- by progressing down the neck. But, from looking at the first line of your tab, playing the G and G# on the A string, I can see how the whole verse could be played in pretty much the same hand position, with finger 1 not moving below the 8th fret (except for the little chromatic run on the A string that goes 6-7-8). It's faster... but I don't see why on your second line of tab, you play the G# on the D string fret 6, instead of playing it on the A string fret 11 (like you did in the first line)... all the notes on fret 6 will move over a string to fret 11... Thanks for posting it up though -- it's food for thought. πŸ‘
  9. That's a bit strong! You may need to calm yourself down. But wow, they look utterly awesome... a combination of new, woody, and the 1950s... and the dots look great on the maple fretboards... Fantastic! πŸ‘
  10. I heard a neat studio trick for drummers that don't like playing to a click is to have the correct delay on the drums in their 'phones.
  11. Good article here? https://www.bassplayer.com/gear/flat-world-a-roundup-of-flatwound-strings
  12. I reckon Maude's band could do Copacabana, drifting into Sing It Back for the slightly younger folks (and its a much better song), then blend it back to Copacabana to clear out the pub at the end! Job done, he can thank me later. πŸ‘
  13. You want to do a ska version of Copacabana. πŸ˜ƒ
  14. Tacky and wonderful... I've dug myself into this hole, so now I have to live in it. 😬
  15. If you had a 1956 Coupe de Ville, I bet you'd complain that there's too much chrome, and the fins are tricky to clean. πŸ˜„ On the other hand, I realise its not 1956 anymore, so I've kinda hoisted myself on my own petard...
  16. Who was it once said "Give the people what they want. Not what they think they want"? I'm pretty sure it wasn't Hitler...
  17. That brand name is a bit unfortunate. It's also a make of American fags, so it looks almost like sponsorship... I wouldn't blame you at all if you replaced it with perhaps a Fender waterslide that's spelt deliberately wrong or something. My P bass is a 'Westfield' which looks OK to me (although it sounds a bit like another brand of American cigarettes!). Great thread BTW. πŸ‘
  18. Good God man, the last gig I played was around 1993. I'm still carefully planning my come-back. It ain't easy to find a top quality Grace Jones tribute act within a third of a mile of my location, and without a current bass player... plus I'd have to learn the set... 😬 edit: Actually, I can already play 'Private Life' all the way through. More or less.
  19. No no no. I tried that and it sounded a bit Chinese. 😬
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