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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Now see, I like that 1970s Fender brown. Cleveland Brown. Steel Workers Union Brown. Brown. 😎
  2. This ^^^^. I voted 'poncy brown burst'. 👍
  3. Personally, I'd far prefer the Aerodyne Jazz due to the Jazz neck. There's a trader in Taunton whom always seems to have them in funky JDM colours... 😍 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FENDER-JAPAN-2010-DOMESTIC-OLD-CANDY-APPLE-RED-FINISH-AERODYNE-JAZZ-BASS-MIJ/202792923036?hash=item2f37666f9c:g:WPwAAOSwm8Zdl3nH
  4. Well, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... 😄
  5. I made it to 1:02 secs. Enjoying himself far too much, like bass players who take their hand off the neck. In other words -- What a complete tool. 😂
  6. I think he means a plastic spacer or coaster, that fits under the neck plate:
  7. Sound like crap or play like crap? Yes and yes, and sometimes both together! 😬
  8. Good point. Chatbot / annoying piece of software has been suggested.
  9. See that ^^^^^? It's not just me asking!
  10. Ah, so it wasn't a one-off then... even the poor drummer has his shirt off, which is demeaning to men if you ask me... 😬
  11. Hot dog? Welcome to BC, OP. 🙂
  12. Pook, are you one of those music snobs who only likes what most folks haven't heard of - on principal? Cos I gotta tell you that I was like that in my youth, and to be fair it was awesome! 😀
  13. I too liked Bauhaus, though I don't understand why 80% of the songs was about Najinsky the ballet dancer...
  14. Well, people do like to have a vote, even if they're not interested. I believe it's known as 'the pie option'. Nirvana Soundgarden RHCP Pie 😄
  15. I found the guides here interesting: https://www.stewmac.com/How-To/Online_Resources/Learn_About_Guitar_Pickups_and_Electronics_and_Wiring/How_a_tone_control_works.html 👍
  16. Amazing that those three were released the same day! It was a 'vintage' year for music (IMHO), but in short, my vote goes to BSSM. I'll never forget the first time I heard track 1, when my best mate (and drummer) stuck it in my CD player at home, just before we were getting off to a rehearsal. Wow! It was like what I always wanted to play - but better! 😮
  17. Any relation to @Leonard Smalls ?
  18. Take 2 paracetamol half an hour before you go on, and enjoy it! Paracetamol are AMAZING! 👌
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