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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Ah, I'm sure you're right. I'd taken it that somebody (from H 17) hadn't paid him. But I see what you mean. It could alternatively read as that 'somebody' was another band. A case of semantics. 🙂 Wow, I'd never considered that he could have been that young. Awesome playing.
  2. I have them on a couple of basses. One set is around 10 years old I reckon, the other set I bought offa fleabay last Xmas-time for a tenner (plus a couple of quid postage IIRC). They don't seem as 'bright' as the Fender flats, but they're not rubbish IMHO. 👌 After saying that, I'm far to 'cheap' to have compared them to proper expensive flats. 😬
  3. Not forgetting Gregory Porter, Seasick Steve and Dexys (not at the same time though - that would be strange)! 🤒
  4. Fair enough - I suppose it is a typical break-up album. Here's the band on Jools' show, as an excuse to keep on topic:
  5. S'funny, I was reading about Penthouse & Pavement recently. Apparently, the pavement side was largely influenced by the (fab) basslines of session player John Wilson, who completely went to ground after the band didn't bother to pay him for a bunch of sessions later on - and they've never been able to contact him since!
  6. I wonder if Bridgey has changed his identity... He could be that new fella who always seems like he's been around the block before, despite his low post count. 😉
  7. Did anybody mention Imelda May? 🙂
  8. I don't mind admitting that Imelda May singing Black Tears on 'Jools' was so bloody good it made me cry (ironic)... although that was on new year's eve, and a few years ago I might add, so hardly relevant. It's also irrelevant that Imelda May is probably one of my favorite singers of all time. She is (in my view), also extremely lovely, awesome and sexy. 👌
  9. Bassist - Formally trained to play anything straight from looking at the score, look and act completely disinterested in anything they can play (which is everything), and argue about anything and everything related to music in an aggressively boring fashion. Bass player - Monkey see, monkey do. 👍 Example of a room-full of 'ists'. Yes, they are pretty good...
  10. 2nd verse sounds like classic Formby: Now, Jack, he is a banker, And Jane, she is a clerk. And the both of them are saving up their money... Then they come home from work. 👍
  11. Interesting, those lines are totally interchangeable! Standing at the bus stop with my shopping in my hands / I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street Not nudity, but Formby had many of his songs banned by the BBC for being explicit. i.e. they believed "My little stick of Blackpool rock" was about his pink torpedo. Which probably says more about Lord Reith than it does about Mr Formby. 😬
  12. Is it the one that goes: Standing at the bus stop with my shopping in my hands And I'm overhearing elder ladies As the rumours start to fly Hear them in the school yard In the scrap yard In the chip shop In the phone box In the pool hall At the shoe stall Every corner turn around It started with a school girl Who was running Running home to her Mam and Dad Told them she was playing in the change room of the local football side They said tell us again, she told them again Tell us the truth, they found it hard to believe 'Cause he taught our Steve, even trained me, taught uncle John who's a father of three Only takes one tree to make a thousand matches Only takes one match to burn a thousand trees... ... That's it, it's called "A Thousand Trees" (I think). 👍
  13. Yes she definitely did. Do costume malfunctions count? https://youtu.be/XefvjB5s_ZY
  14. It is an odd choice, considering Hall's habit of registering trademarks and other interlectual (sp) property. There's nothing wrong with numbering your cats, but of course numbers can't be registered. That's the only reason that Barry Manilow fan @Maude can go around saying '4005' with impunity. 😬
  15. Utter rubbish. A small-ish amount of flesh removal & bone shaving surgery on the inner forearm -- and you're good to go. Well worth it IMHO. 🤗
  16. I respect that, but my principles would allow me to buy examples made during the period when he wasn't in charge... Damn, how long as he been there? Is that him in 1979??
  17. That copy-ish thing on fleabay looks proper fugly to me as well (mostly due to the parts on it that don't look like a Ric', particularly the string trees, pups, bridge). Re real ones - of course the S and 4000 model bodies have no binding, so they are rounded off a little, compared to the sharp outline of the 4001 etc. If you like the looks of a bound body, I suppose you'd have to put up with the sharp edges. 👍
  18. You're welcome. 👍 Do you really think Rics are ugly? I suppose some may be heavy. Mine isn't, but it's the only one I've ever lifted AFAICR.
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