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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Oh Lord *breaks down*... Thank you, Skank, and thank you @lozkerr ... how can I ever repay you(s)?? *sob* 😔 Obviously, I could record a jaunty theme tune for each of you, on the bass? 😀 (That's a super-cool video by the way, Mr DV. 😎 Is it from the Salisbury and District Tourist Board website? )
  2. He says "If he's coming for me -- tell him he best come heavy" 😮 He's got my kids, Skank -- My kids!!! 😬
  3. Wow, I never even thought of looking for a loopback function using a Windows laptop with built in soundcard -- but it is there! And it works! -- Thank you!! And it's here in Reaper:
  4. "If I could just get my hands on them mutha****ers" 😀
  5. *sigh* ... ... yeah, there should be something like a 'Goodwin's Law' regarding Rickenbacker Fine Guitars up in here.
  6. As one little fish said to the other little fish: Do you believe in cod?
  7. Dude, I don't think you need to do all that to loop stuff in Audacity. Just select the part of the file that you want to loop (you can adjust / fine tune the selection markers as you wish). Then >Shift+Space< to loop-play that selection. And then any 'effects' you choose will just effect your selected area (bearing in mind that you usually have to stop playback to add effects). Alternatively, 'select all' - add your effects to the whole file - then use the selection markers and Shift+Space to loop the bit that you want to loop. 👍 ?
  8. Oh yeah, Mark seems totally right. Its just a bit disturbing that I've missed out on this basic step for like, literally 40 years.
  9. Its also a much more modest position if you're playing naked. 🤒
  10. OMG! It works!! 😮 It's much more inline (horizontally), with the standing position, and now there's a curve in the bass that fits my right moob nicely. 😬 Everything I thought I knew was wrong!
  11. You want locking up. 🙄 With nothing to play but a Rickenbacker! 😃
  12. No sweat. Just means we gotta work a tiny bit harder occasionally. 🤗
  13. Oh go on then, I'll try one with ice and a slice, pleeese. 👍
  14. What's advocaat? Is it a type of cat?
  15. There's a bloke just up the road from me selling a bunch of ex-Virgin Cinema "Cepiar RS-450 Stereo Power Amps - Handbuilt In The UK" for £150 each. I assume those are good power amps?
  16. There ^^^^^. I knew it wasn't just a dream. 😬 Yesss! 🤗
  17. What about those giant Spanish (or Mexican) guitars, that are like massive Spanish guitars? I saw a film once (or an advert), where this like Mexican band wearing sombreros were working a restaurant, going from table to table playing... there was about five of them fellas, and one had a much bigger guitar than the others - so I figured it was a kind of bass... do we have a section for that? No? Disgusting is what I call it.
  18. I can't remember why, but my mum bought me a guitar and tiny amp from an older lad's mum from over the road. Turned out it was a short bass guitar (Musicmaster). I suppose from then on I listened out for the bass on records, and liked a lot of what I heard... then I became friends with an older lad who was already playing bass in bands, and he kindly taught me the first steps - tuning up (I hated how long that took, using a crappy tuning pipe!), and some basic walking basslines... And my best mate was a drummer - so that fitted in nicely. Even though he didn't actually have a drum kit until a bit later on, that didn't stop us from saying that we were a great rhythm section! 😃 Hearing the bass on recordings wasn't so easy in the 1970s, as most household TVs radios and record players didn't seem to have any bass... then came compact cassette recorders and car cassette players - which also didn't have any bass. Luckily though, the following decades contained plenty of bass. 👍
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