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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Like what, exactly?
  2. I like that song that goes 'Fiyaaaaaaaaaaaa....' Reminds me of Beavis & Butthead. Uhh huh huh, yeah. FIRE!!! Eheh heh.... fire is cool.
  3. I'm laughing with you. 👍 As you've noticed, that @Teebs is laughing at you. 😃
  4. Spot on! His thumb technique looks like a carbon copy of Larry Graham's thumb -- but I kinda think he was even better than Larry!? 😮 🤐
  5. I suggested covering that song in the 1990s, and it nearly ended the band. Seems I was way ahead of the fashion, as usual. 🤗
  6. What an intro! Shame that distortion sets in at around 2 mins 30 when Sly starts playing. 2 points for recognising the young bass player! 👍
  7. Here's a tip: Equaliser APO. If you run Windoze, you prolly noticed that the Win Sound Controls don't have an EQ. So if you might want to quickly low-pass or high-pass or otherwise EQ anything you're playing via the computer without bothering to download it and open it up in Audacity or Reaper or something -- EQ APO is the man. 👍 https://sourceforge.net/projects/equalizerapo/
  8. So, you have my attention now -- what's all this about feeding an mp3 into Guitar Hero, and a list of perfect bass tab comes out the other end??
  9. I read it as the OP is asking about somehow 'masking off' the rest of the bridge, and just chrome plating the countersunk holes (?) -- I doubt that's possible mind.
  10. Its like the Special Brew of pasties. 👍
  11. How're you supposed to reach the knob that turns it down!? 😬
  12. https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/burton/greggs-drive-thru-opening-ashby-1638705
  13. If we're back to being silly - this reminds me of that time when I had a very delicate conversation with my sex-doctor (a delightful young lady from Paris), about Philippe Pétain and the Vichy French, while she had my knackers in a testicle vice... I defy @DoubleOhStephan to produce a picture of a testis vice. 😄
  14. They should use the official BC complaint form: That is obviously blown up much bigger than 'actual size'. 😬
  15. It's a bit tricky though... sometimes it may be helpful to suggest doing a websearch, or using the forum's search function... depending on the question(s) of course... the search function is a powerful tool that may be overlooked sometimes... though I agree that on the flip side, advice to just 'do a search' is a bit of a thread killer...
  16. No, I certainly wouldn't wear one to a gig... for instance, if Teebs was playing, I'd be wearing an NBC suit, noise-cancelling headphones and a welding helmet. It's the only way to be sure. 👍
  17. Ya, she was telling me that everybody from 'that generation' in Dresden smoked cigarettes, due to the stress of being so comprehensively bombed in the war... I resisted countering with the whys and wherefores of 'who started it', partly due to the fact that she had my eyeballs in a vice at the time. 😬
  18. Just don't display any more pictures of your 'war chest' and everything will be facking fine. 😬 (and actually, it was she who went on to bring up Bomber Harris and all that!)
  19. As a parallel, my previous optemitrist optemertrist eye-doctor (a lovely female lady doctor from Dresden), once told me 'its nice to sometimes just sit back, breathe, relax, and close your eyes for a while...' I tried this technique whilst driving home from my appointment. And I have to say it was quite disastrous.
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