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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, tumbleweed... *said in a western drawl*
  2. He does look a bit mad. πŸ˜›
  3. Or in Welsh: 'As mad as ten bears'. πŸ‘
  4. It is, and I didn't know you spoke Welsh! I'm impressed. 😍
  5. What's the story then, Mr Pook? Vintage Cold War era Russian text only web browser, or did you get yourself banned from Soundcloudℒ️?
  6. Yay, correct! Pick any prize from the top shelf. πŸ‘
  7. Nothing ready here, so you'll have to put up with this:
  8. Nope... please get it ... Wilco had just joined the band... Norman added a J pickup to his P bass... 1980... 😬
  9. Nah, it was a single released after that album, but before the next one... only appears as a 'bonus track' on the albums... 😬
  10. Aye, and I'm blaming meself for playing it badly. 😬
  11. Sure is. 😎 I have one of hers in the pipeline. πŸ‘ No guesses on this ^^^ Does it need a clue?
  12. Thought 'Tina' right away. It's this one ^^^^^^^^?
  13. I missed that one being put up! Otherwise I would have got it as well. πŸ‘ I find that bit fiendish tricky to play at full speed...
  14. I thunk you played it really good! πŸ‘ Great song too... as is often the case, I think the clavi probably makes the bass sound even better than bass alone...
  15. Nicely done butty! 😎 Are we waiting for something to guess at? This isn't quite right, but it's right ish:
  16. Is it something by Jamiroquai ? πŸ™‚
  17. I don't care if that guess was right - I'm putting one up anyway! Stew will be so proud of me! πŸ˜€
  18. Ahah! Chrissy Hind with The Pretenders - Brass In Pocket! ?
  19. Well, the chord sequence seems to be the same as the dreary 'Stand By Me', so unless you're brave enough to do a jazzed-up version of that (which I doubt), then it's something else (which it probably is). But I dunno what (though it is familiar). When the night Is young And the blah blah blah And the blah blah Is the only Blah you'll see Etc
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