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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. I've unfollowed the Bad Jokes thread as an experiment: Because I've previously posted in it, it still shows in the 'content I posted in' activity stream. But it's gone from 'content I follow' stream because I unfollowed it! πŸ‘ πŸ™‚
  2. Oooo... I'd wager a small amount that somebody has made a small mistake there, with the photo's showing the bass with a Β£100 upgraded bridge. As I'm sure you know, The Bass Collection bridge is what The Bass Center describe as: If Sims are selling that bass as pictured for Β£325 -- Looks like a bit of a bargain one way or another!
  3. Where did you see a pic' of a Bass Collection 'Lizzy' bass with a Babicz fitted? πŸ™‚
  4. Hrm... this advice is for on a PC - if you click your username (top right of the screen), and click 'manage followed content' - that list seems to be the place where you can unfollow threads... Or just go to the thread in question and click the orange 'following' box at the topic header, for a box to pop up where you can click 'unfollow'. That still won't stop the thread coming up in your 'content I posted in' list if you have posted there though - from what I can tell.
  5. Respect for those punk credentials. 😎 I have a couple of clips recorded, but no time for processing at the moment - so I'll put one up later tonight. Probably. πŸ‘
  6. That's odd, some of The Bass Centre basses can come with or without the BabicZ fitted (which is an extra Β£100 option on some models, which you can choose at the checkout), but it doesn't seem to be an option on the Lizzy bass: http://www.basscentre.com/british-bass-masters/the-bass-centre-lizzy-bass.html
  7. If it helps, as a workaround you can unfollow the thread, but would need to use the activity link for 'content I follow' rather than 'content I posted in'. 'content I follow' is perhaps the better quick link for keeping up with the threads of interest anyway? πŸ™‚
  8. I think he's completely lost it now. πŸ˜›
  9. Was loving being a Larry Graham disciple until last week when this little girl totally owned me: 😬
  10. Ref - Respectfully - Have you lost control of the game?? πŸ˜€
  11. According to this article, the shytes that (allegedly), registered the Bonzo's name are these lot here: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/04679585/filing-history
  12. Hrm, where's the advertising standards commission when you need them...
  13. You'll regret it in the morning. πŸ˜„
  14. I do that! Set the recorder up, then totally can't think of anything to play (like the blank I get when trying out an instrument in a guitar shop), and usually end doing something new to me or random! (not that your clip sounds random, but I don't have a scooby what it is) πŸ‘
  15. You could have a word with yourself, but in that time somebody else might buy the thing... it does look very nice... πŸ˜€
  16. That's so cool ^^^^^^! You seem to have had an electrical fire on your bass. πŸ˜ƒ
  17. Any chance of a little mention in the credits? Guest list? Free buffet?... cake? πŸ˜€
  18. Aren't we supposed to be out looking for fraudulent basses, rather than cartoon dogs... ? I dunno about Β£20 quid, if you ask me, Ped deserves a bloody medal for putting up with you lot...
  19. Well... It sounds a bit 'bum' in the chorus! πŸ˜€ (sorry Tina Weymouth, if you're looking in) πŸ˜”
  20. Oh, not for me thanks. I don't quite fancy where that cucumber had been. 😬
  21. Is this you?? Because you could actually get burned by a bit of spitting fat, if you're frying like that without much on... πŸ˜ƒ
  22. β€œKnowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” ― Miles Kington
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