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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Don't listen to him, Dave. The guy is like quicksand. 😄
  2. You probably don't like the other Scooby nickname then: Council Estate Racer. My Scoob' was the wagon version, which my fellow 'Subaru enthusiasts' kindly christened 'The Flying Wardrobe'. 😄
  3. Interesting... I don't like cucumber, but I sometimes quite like the taste of where cucumber has been (i.e. the after effects of when it's been removed from tuna & cucumber sandwich). I don't like prog rock, 'British blues' from any period*, or Bruce Springsteen. * except some early 'stones - little red rooster etc.
  4. In the 1980s, a couple of girl fans once told me that I looked like (the sadly now deceased) Errol Brown from Hot Chocolate. Despite the fact that I was 20 years younger than Mr Brown, and white skinned, with plenty of hair. Perhaps they were being ironic.
  5. Ooh, I think we know where this is going... 😄
  6. We run a (pink) plastic bowl in the kitchen sink. It's because we are extremely poor, having only a single sink (and a single drainer, as it goes). There are times when i.e. we might have the bowl with some clean hot washing up water in it, and need to use the gap between the bowl and sink to pour away leftover liquids, or run some cold from the tap - without spoiling the clean hot water in the bowl, see? If we were rich enough to have two sinks, I'd wash up using the 'two sink method'. Which would still leave nowhere for slops etc. Therefore I would need one of those tiny 'swilling sink' thingys in the middle (like a 1/8th scale sink). Three sinks! Mannn, I can only dream of something like that...
  7. I always think bands I've never listened to are a bit similar to foods I've never tried, but I know I don't like. When I have finally tried them, I was right all along. Example: Beetroot. 🤢
  8. Did you? There are worse things to hate on...
  9. I think it's because if you say 'Subaru' in a Scooby Doo voice, it sounds a bit like Scooby Doo saying 'Scooby Doo' ... It's hard to replicate in text, but something like 'Ruby Ruu', though not quite. 🙃
  10. Plus, I need to get my own amp fixed - and I don't want any [stinky poo] about it. 😃
  11. I'm sorry, I hadn't read the thread - it was just a drive-by flaming from me - which I'm now ashamed of. Please accept my apologies. 😔
  12. ... ah, a clever way of letting everybody know that you're already a premium member... (Scooby the car, you other numbskulls. )
  13. I wonder if you're underselling the whole subs thing, boss? I keep meaning to sign up for the subs, though there's nothing I want to sell at present. Perhaps a 'Premium Member' usergroup for those who've paid up? I'm sure you've thought about it before though. I used to belong to a Scooby forum that had premium subs or basic membership for free... though that forum went to sh*t (though I think that was because of it was sold off by the owner to Internet Brands).
  14. 'Yes' must be extremely confusing to work with. Here they are, backstage at a festival... Stage Manager: OK, are you guys one of the bands? Yes. Alright, are you all here and ready to go on? Yes. What's the band called? Yes. Yes, I need to know who you are so I can put you on in the right spot. Yes. So what are you called? Yes. Grrr, if you don't tell me, I'll have to put you on last. Yes. Right, if you keep saying 'yes', that's what I'll write on the board, and you'll go last. Yes. OK? Yes. and the rest is history...
  15. It's poor etiquette to post in a language other than the forum's home language. In fact it's against the rules of some forums (including a large one - ooo er - that I admin'). So there. 👍
  16. Here's an easy early starter for y'all in the morning 🙂:
  17. Bloody heck mate, you made a great job of it! I can easily believe the time it took. I've been playing a song from that same 2nd album for months (track 1), and I'm still not quite there yet!! Probably because I don't have the right bass... 😔 I'll record a few snippets of basslines for the quiz now in a minute...
  18. Sounds like the not inconsiderable work of Mani!
  19. Elton John works in Waitrose? This is rather big news.
  20. I'd 'export' the clip from Audacity as an mp3, and save it to the desktop or some other folder. Then stick it on here as Johnny said, above. 👍
  21. I wonder if JJ is a member on here!? 😎 Not somebody random with the same initials, but the real JJ. And I wonder who'd win a scrap between JJ and Jah Wobble? I'd pay to see that.
  22. Oh yes, of course - there is more than one Hugh! 😀
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