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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. What does BLOG actually stand for? I've never been able to find that out.
  2. John Illsley used to move around like he was on the moon (zero gravity*) - probably because he didn't wear a hat. * If anybody has knowledge that the surface of the moon isn't actually zero gravity - I for one don't want to hear it. Others may,but I don't.
  3. Fluffy Mullet, cowboy shirt, headband = Job done. And even then he didn't look as much of a tool as the bass player (sorry, John Illsley). 😬
  4. Dear Mr Del Var I certainly didn't imagine that you were, at the time, 'busy' pressing flowers. I pictured you more likely to be parked-up in international waters, relaxing on the sun deck, with a 9x19mm Makarov automatic pistol on your lap. Things were getting a bit boring, so I remembered the anecdote about the Russian sub, and thought (rightly), that it would be like catnip to a... cat. It would only have been more delicious if David Van Day had bought it. Regarding your toothless lion of a legal representative - you can tell him from me that (without prejudice), the internet is like Radio Caroline was, meets the Wild West. In other words, I've got no money to be worth suing. P.S. Stingray was not a documentary! P.P.S. Did you see that documentary about the Russians selling handfuls of plutonium out of the back door, to supplement unpaid wages at the power plant (weapons factory), in the 1990s? I remain your servant and greatest friend, Richter Van Rickenbacker
  5. Yay! I've poached the flag from you. Big up to the Port Antonio massive! 👍
  6. That's codswallop, guv'. The original subject of the 'fred was done. 30% of chatters (including the OP), are painfully honest. 30% are feckless liars. 40% did 'ave a bit of a drink. And: See? Done. 👍
  7. Pictures please? We need to see the damage.
  8. Oooo, those root-octave basslines are all feindishly similar... if I recognised the progression, I'd get it. But I don't. So I probably won't... Pointless post really. 😔
  9. Somebody said that the Russians once sold a nuclear submarine on ebay. If they did (which I doubt), I'd bet that @skankdelvar would have put a bid on it.
  10. Lunchtime clues? Category: 1990s Hip Hop & Rap (New York, US). Grammy award nominated single (one of many). Top 10 single in the US and UK. 👍
  11. Right, here we go! Not quite so easy this one:
  12. OK, I'm back... I guess nobody else has one ready, because that's the great Freddie Washington, doing 'Forget Me Nots', surely?
  13. Right you are. I'm off out anyways. 👍
  14. Might get confusing if we don't wait for oZZma to have a turn.
  15. There are no screws in his pickguard. I'm sure that's not a euphemism... 😄
  16. Was it good for playing 'Golden Brown'? 😬
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