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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. I've been getting it for the last 4 or 5 years. Bought the compression gloves and I like playing in them but they're made from nylon stuff, so not very warm. Silk gloves feel nice, but I don't think they'd take too much wear from playing and they're also not very warm. As said above, once fingers are cold they take a lot of warming up. Perhaps keeping the heat in the core / head would help too ... In a cold room, perhaps comp' gloves with fingerless knitted gloves over the top? I may give that a try. 👍
  2. Thanks. I'll tell her she was lucky, this time...
  3. Question: My Mrs was recently a bit cheeky to me. Now, as I'm Welsh, technically, I need to know if that was actually a hate crime? Because if yes, I probably need to call the police or something. That's exactly what happened to be fair. 👍
  4. No. It's Gary Tibbs outta Adam And The Ants, and Roxy Music. 👍
  5. A bit off-topic I know 🤒, but I remember the Aria TSB ads featuring Gary Tibbs: That was around the time that my bass teacher bought an SB1000... which was nice.
  6. No mate, co-written by Freddie Washington (on a P bass!). I know I've posted this clip before:
  7. Have you got access to the individual tracks, to play around with mixing it yourself? 🙂
  8. Sadly not a scene that I was ever part of. Growing up in Backward Buttf*ck, Gloucestershire. The only game in town was hanging out in Woolworths...
  9. Interesting. I thought MK lived on the IOW, and he and the rest of the band were learning their trade on the holiday camp circuit over there, before they made it to the big time. So I suppose MK worked in Macari's before all that...?
  10. Thanks to the mods and happy holidays!
  11. There's a couple of fairly reliable blokes I use. I could have a word if you like... oh, whoops, please ignore.
  12. My apologies. It's a common mistyke. 😋
  13. I thought you meant your other dog.
  14. How does he smell?
  15. My grandad didn't die in two world wars so you could have string noise.
  16. Can you put colour in the pointers and dots of those knobs? 😗
  17. I thought you'd been here for yonks (that's English for years!). 🙂
  18. The bits in bold ^^^^. Hard to say without being there, but I think I'd keep my level down, rather than compete with a too-loud guitar. He's less likely to turn himself down if he thinks you're the one who's too loud. And I'd particularly play quieter at those moments when you know he's likely to go off piste and screw the arrangement. You'll sound better for it. 😉 Unless he goes i.e. into the bridge half way through a chorus - in which case - all bets are off! 😄
  19. From what I've seen on the TV, Copeland was a bit of a psycho back in the day, and Gordon Sting was probably actually scared of him. And there's no shame in that. Seemed to be what they call an abusive relationship.
  20. Just look at the audience reaction to probably one of the greatest players of the modern era... ... and it's raining....
  21. I would fake an injury, or a case of the yips. edit: Or better still, equipment failure.
  22. I've got your coat ready... 😄
  23. No, not at all, but if the drummer's all over the place and you're trying to fit in with it - maybe it's harder for a third party to pick that apart? Have you done any recording together? That might help you all to focus on getting a good solid rhythm going. 🙂
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