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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Oooof, reverse headstocks are cool... probably not reverse Warwick headstocks mind, because they'd be the same, yes? ... No?
  2. Soldering is one of the dark arts, if you ask me (exuse the pun).
  3. Wow, weird shΓ­t happens... πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
  4. From what you say, IMHE, I'd back off the tension on the TR, and start again by experimenting setting it up with lighter tension strings - to ascertain whether the TR is doing what it should, without having to muscle it. Then report back. πŸ™‚
  5. Nice one Dave. I saw that one advertised and thought it looked like a good bet. πŸ‘
  6. Hampeg want the name and address of your solicitors.
  7. This! πŸ˜›
  8. I'm gonna try me some of them buggers. πŸ‘
  9. Okay, I got a couple of 4" wood screws you can have. They're stupid Torx heads, so I can't use them with my standard screwdriver. Just pay the postage, packing, and a bit towards the scrap value - and you can have them, I suppose... πŸ‘
  10. Awww, why not just take an acoustic guitar around with you? You can play bass lines on a guitar, plus chords and stuff... πŸ‘Œ
  11. Can you get a 15" speaker in a 10" cab? πŸ˜—
  12. Why no sheds? All I'm getting is bass pre-amps and stuff...
  13. I made the mistake of clicking on it -- Still Weird, Creepy, Awful, and the other four dwarfs.
  14. That's Gordon Sting.
  15. No good?


  16. That's because their guitars sound like Crass. πŸ˜ƒ
  17. Not a bug, but is it desirable / possible to add a 'top' button at the bottom of each page?
  18. It looks great on my android phone too. Cheers Ped πŸ‘πŸ‘
  19. @prowla -- what about this for high contrast!? πŸ‘?
  20. Fantastic πŸ‘ Although I can't find Ped's 'green thing' anywhere...
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