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Urban Bassman

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Posts posted by Urban Bassman

  1. 1 hour ago, SirMoxie said:

    Sweet!!  How are you finding it compares to other P-Basses you've played?

    Easily as good as the best I've had, which includes two vintage 61's.  The neck is more comfortable for me, between a P and a J and the build quality is spot on.  Can't fault it on any level.

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  2. For thr past 8-9 years I've been D Class, Markbass, TC, Eich and associated "lightweight" 2x10 and 2x12 cabs.  They all sounded OK and at gigs I'd get the occasional complement on my tone etc.  But....I did feel that they could be a little lacking in something, which was hard to put my finger on...soul? organic? It seemed, to me, that something gets lost in translation between analog to digital and back to analog.  Who knows? Very subjective and not a little inconsistent.  Anyho...After nearly 12 months without a band it looks like I've finally got something going and in need of a rig... and here it is.   I'm super pleased with it and to my ears, sounds fab.


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  3. 21 hours ago, Paulhauser said:

    Honestly in all my years with Spector I have never seen a flamed alder back like that. For the first sight I mistook it for a full maple winged pre-LX Euro because of the flamed back  but after seeing the serial number plus the pics it was obvious it is not.  

    Anyway, this is one of the most beautiful Euro 4LX I've ever seen, really. And the price is more than fair. 

    I saw this too and enquired about it....it's now sold.  It did look the biz though, I'm sure the new will be very happy.  I curious though, because it didn't have the usual 9v battery box on the back...The description said it was active but I've not seen a Euro without a battery box so I wasn't sure what was going there...still a lovely bass nonetheless.

  4. For me it would be The Yes Album, then Fragile with Close To The Edge 3rd.  Relayer would be my 4th choice tied with Going For The One.  I also think if I had to choose one, in a Desert Island Discs stylee, it would be YesSongs, which is pretty much my top 3 albums all in one.  I love the extra energy on the live album.  Saw them live many times all of which were fab.

    • Like 3
  5. On 03/06/2019 at 11:38, Danuman said:

    For accurately adjusting intonation I went with a Peterson strobe clip. I have to say, intonation is now an absolute doddle. Very happy to own it - it’s a terrific tool - but I admit I very nearly decided it was too expensive.

    I've got one of these too, works for me.

  6. I've long looked at Sandbergs and thought I should try one and see for myself if all the love for them is justified....and I concur.  Just given a new home to a 20th Anniversary Edition Ken Taylor Basic 4 and it's fab.  Lovely neck, great slabs of tone from the pick ups with very usable EQ. It will be my only bass for the foreseeable future, I couldn't be happier and I'm pleased to be in the 'berg Club.😎 Here's a pic.


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  7. Finally got it off!  Sticky Stuff Remover did the job but it took 4 applications and a reasonable amount of elbow grease.  There's one small patch that stubbornly refuses to shift which I'm going to leave and it'll become part of the bass's story along with a few other dints and dongs...genuine wear and tear.  So I'm happy 😁.  Thanks to everyone for the help, advise and humour.  



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  8. Hi all

    I recently acquired a rather lovely Sandberg Ken Taylor 4 which is fab....however the previous owner stuck one of the pick holders on the back.of the bass on the belly cut.  I took it off because I didn't want it there but of course it's left behind a sticky mess...see pic.  I'd like to get it off but I'm pretty sure that cleaners like white spirit, nail polish remover/acetone snd the like would damage the finish. So can anyone suggest another way to remove the residue without affecting the finish?  All advice gratefully recieved.  Cheers 😊


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