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Everything posted by ctate

  1. My son has been playing bass for 6 months now and just started popping this out last night after trying it a few times....... His band (CONIXI) also covers Tom Sawyer by Rush (He plays bass and sings it too)...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5gPYXvE6co
  2. Sorry, tried, but don't know how to embed on here...... D'oh..!!
  3. My son playing his Squier Standard after quickly learning Greensleeves. Hope you like it..... He even avoided using his '78 Fender Precision for this one....! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR7BpkqS_Ho&feature=youtu.be
  4. haha.... Forgot webpage designer as well..........!!
  5. Cheers Spondonbassed (Suzuki fan?) No............... I'm Dad/agent/roadie/mug/basstech/amptech/soundman/mug/rehearsal manager/fan/mug/Dad
  6. Cheers Dad3353...!!! He's only 10, even though he's a hardened gigging monster already.....haha...... As for typing, he can do that, but it' be like letting Animal (muppets) on here.... I let him trawl through some of the stuff on this-here site when he wants to, as he loves seeing what the bass-world has to offer, but it's when I'm there with him - just to be safe.. All of you can look forward to his unedited posts when he's a bit older..... Gulp...!! Peace.
  7. Sorry...... Don't know how to embed from Facebook.....D'oh.....!!
  8. My son is the bass player in our house, but as he's young, so I'll be doing this on his behalf. He's the bassist, lead vocalist in a band called CONIXI and has a decent selection of gear, starting with his '78 Fender Precision (with additional '69 jazz pup installed) - amazing instrument that I have restored sympathetically (it was previously hand sprayed black over the original polyester - time and thinners/patience..!!!), then his Squier P-Bass, I added a handmade scratchplet, Mex pickups and CTS gear, all wired historically - plays superb.. Recently, he got a Warwick Fet 5.2 bass head (in Rockcase), feding through a 600W 4x10 Warwick cab - It's a beast of a set-up....... He previously went through the PA system direct. He is a grade 8 drummer, plays guitar and keyboards too...... All his own doing.......!!! His band can be found at www.conixiband.co.uk or on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/conixiband/ But here's the '78 in action at a recent gig.... Peace. https://www.facebook.com/conixiband/videos/234779477303931/?t=5
  9. Hi, This is my 10 years old son (bass/vocals) and his band, comprising of a 10 years old guitarist and 12 years old drummer - didn't want to put their ages in the title as people often judge unfairly. They're called CONIXI and have been regularly gigging and scaring other bands since they formed two months ago. Most recently, they played the Blueswater Festival at Morecambe and went down a storm, then last weekend it was the Party in the Park, Bolton (this gig). The first song is an original but then it's straight into James Brown.... They have a real varied mix of original songs and unusual covers, with influences from punk, rock, funk and indie. There has been a lot of interest in them and it looks like they'll be around for the long-term. Hope you enjoy it. Cheers.
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  10. Oh, it's a bass-free backing track, so ALL the bass is from him...........
  11. My son with his new customised bass.........Got it for his birthday and has another metallic green 5 string Squier Standard (jazz pups etc) waiting as a surprise. He's been playing around 6 weeks and is in a young band that could easily blow many experienced groups off the planet - they're as tight as a very tight thing...!! Enjoys loads of music, but loves the Chili Peppers - When they were good (with John Frusciante....) - so decided to play this piece...... It's a short clip, but he's on it...... It's a Squier Affinity with Fender Mex pickups, custom plate, new Fender nut and electronic tweeks........ Blows my mind when I think how many more years he's got as well.........
  12. Thanks for all the positive feedback..!!!! Inspiring to see the other kids basses too; bands like the Royal Blood, 21 Pilots and current established groups that feature prominent bassists (Chili Peppers, MUSE etc.) appear to be driving the instrument to new popularity.. Anyway, he got to see and play it last night; he was speechless (which is a lot with him..!! ) and managed four solid hours playing Chili Peppers, MUSE, Killers, Arctic Monkeys, Green Day and anything else he could think of...!! He is at his first band practice tonight, as a bassist, so got four days to learn 4 songs from scratch - he's done it too..... They're not simple tunes either and he didn't have a hand in choosing them (Mardy Bum, My Sharona, Mr Brightside and Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor). When he got up this morning, he went to play it before school and said "every time I open the bag, I think - what a beauty!".............. I can't ask for more really. Going to film him playing it and I'll put it up here shortly. Peace..
  13. He's nine years old, a grade 8 drummer and chose to play bass a month ago.. We've a Fender Jazz that rarely gets used, so let him try it first...... Took to it like a duck to water.... We asked what he wanted for his birthday and it was a clear "Can I have a Precision bass please?" After hunting around for a decent donor, we found a beat up Squier 20th anniversary, missing a few electronic bits - plus no 14 hole pickguard, strings or nut. Overall though, it wasn't too bad. Got it home and made a new pickguard (small design tweak around the controls - just to add something unusual), added the bits, new Fender nut, strings and gave it a good clean (oiled the board etc.)......... Here's his pressie........ To me it looks awesome and plays great. Can't wait for the reaction................
  14. Many thanks...!!! He has been studying Flea as well and has been playing "Can't Stop", Californication and Snow with me too (I'm guitar )...... Talented little monkey...!! Peace.
  15. Thanks DAD3352 (Douglas..!!).....Cheers.
  16. He has been playing drums since the age of 2 and is studying grade 8 at the moment, so decided to teach himself classical guitar (can play Dee by Randy Rhoads level in 2 months..!!) and now bass....... I jokingly said "here, try this then!" and played him the bassline for MUSE's Hysteria - He had it more or less done in a day....... On a our full size Fender Jazz...!!!! Sorry, I don't know how to embed, so just hit the YouTube link....! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rhuYoWsOdM
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