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Everything posted by silverfoxnik

  1. [quote name='wildman' post='21863' date='Jun 22 2007, 01:06 PM']Dave, I think we might be away - trying to bag a last minute holiday deal, but if we are around I'll be there and well done for organising it ! Cheers, John[/quote] +1 on that - Cheers Dave! ^_^
  2. Great! I'll be bringing my 1979 Wal Pro 2e, my 1984 BC Rich Eagle, what was The Beedster's mojo'd MM SUB5 and probably some FX. May bring my Hartke HA3500 but more interestingly, may bring the old Peavey Mk IV series head which still sounds great to my very dated ears! Looking forward to meeting everyone there... Nik
  3. [quote name='Beedster' post='21192' date='Jun 21 2007, 07:52 AM']With such a distinguished roll call how could I refuse . Cheers Nick, I really hope I'll be around and able to make it. Should have the Shergold fixed up by then also (I don't imagine that my one Precision and one Jazz are exactly going to set the world alight). Looking forward to catching up with the old SUB and your Wal Chris[/quote] Great news Chris - Look forward to seeing you and the 'Beedster Babes' there, especially Kylie! Will definitely bring the Wal and the SUB5 with me... Aug 18th is now in the diary!
  4. [quote name='Beedster' post='20530' date='Jun 20 2007, 12:08 AM']Cheers Nik How you doing mate? Hope that SUB's stil working for you Yes, I've got Kylie who's a Precision mongrel with a JPUP, I really fancy another mongrel Danni with a 2nd PPUP. We'll see... Chris PS Shergold hasn't been touched yet. Can't wait to get that finish off and see what's below! Plays and sounds great though, awesome neck [/quote] Am good thanks Chris and, yes, the SUB5 is still doing it for me. Did a gig last weekend and got a lot of comments on the sound and the look of it! Seriously, I think you'll be suprised how good the 2 x PPUP combination sounds.. Looking at recent Ebay prices for Shergold Marathons, if you do restore yours to something more 'classic' in looks, then you'll be more than doubling your money I reckon. Anyway, hope to see you if the much talked about South East Bash does finally get to happen in August.. Nik
  5. Hi Dave, I say we go for the 18th of August, 10am-6pm, and if it's successful, then we could always run another one early next year for those who can't make it. So, by my reckoning, here's a list of those who say they can do the 18th: OBBM Silverfoxnik Sibob Nick Thomas G-77 Mickey D Mobius misrule Bloodaxe That's 9 already and The Beedster is up for this as well (aren't you Chris), so that'll be the 10! But let's see if we can get 15 or 20 and really make a day of it? Cheers Nik [quote name='obbm' post='21036' date='Jun 20 2007, 09:08 PM']It's starting to look like the 18th but what happened to all those who were so keen for this to happen? Looking at the current numbers it is either not financially viable or we just do it beween 14:00 and 18:00. If the dates don't appeal then we could move it to October, November, December or later, or just forget about it.[/quote]
  6. [quote name='Beedster' post='20409' date='Jun 19 2007, 08:41 PM']What do you think of this folks? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=007&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=170123626907&rd=1&rd=1"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...p;rd=1&rd=1[/url] Sound wise, what is the bridge PUP gonna be like. Any potential problems with the PUP so close to the bridge (apart from probbaly not being able to fit a BADASS). Good buy or WOM? Hi Chris[/quote] Chris My 80's BC Rich Eagle has the same pick-up configuration (with DiMarzios) and it sounds great; really punchy, bright but also capable of very mellow p-bass tones too. Very underrated I think... How's it going with the Shergold by the way? Nik
  7. [quote name='Mobius' post='20481' date='Jun 19 2007, 11:12 PM']Both are fine to me...I hope something doesn't come up and get in the way like the last 2 times, it would be great to actually come to a bash![/quote] +1 on that! Both dates work for me, though the 18th is better..Would be great to go to so let's try and get a decision soon. Thanks Dave for checking the studio out by the way. Nik
  8. Nice example of a fine English bass!
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' post='12731' date='Jun 5 2007, 10:54 PM']THat Gibson Triumph Bass is tasty... What scale length is it? Got any sound clips?[/quote] +1 on that. The two black MMs look great too!
  10. Paul Herman at Charlie Chandler's Guitar Experience is your man, though he's a long way from Scotland. Here's the web page: [url="http://www.guitarexperience.co.uk/html/index.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=5"]http://www.guitarexperience.co.uk/html/ind...wpage&pid=5[/url] Paul worked for Wal for some time and knows the instruments really well as the website tells you. Contact details are: 21 High St, Hampton Wick, Middlesex, KT1 4DA Tel: 020 8973 1441 Cheers Nik
  11. [quote name='Beedster' post='8536' date='May 29 2007, 11:41 AM']Cheers Nik I'm gonna try and make it look like a Wal Yes the sound is great, but I think it's the neck that really does it for me, it's like a cross between a good Precision and a Stingray, really solid but fast and a real plasure to play. The sound is pretty tight for a 30 year old bass with original electrics also, and it weighs pretty much nothing so it's potentially a good bass to gig. I'm going to have a word with John East at some stage to see what jiggery pokery we might get up to regarding the electrics, especially the stereo output. Hope to see you at the planned SE bash Nik. Any luck I'll have a nice Wal-alike with me! Chris[/quote] Looking forward to the SE Bash too Chris - if it ever comes together? The Marathon really does look like a Wal (or vice-versa) doesn't it..Again, hope to see it and you at the bash, Nik
  12. Dennis Dunnaway - Alice Cooper, early 70s Leigh Gorman - BowWowWow Two very talented musicians and both very unusual in their approach to bass playing. Really rate Barry Adamson, John Gustafson and George Murray too and whilst on a Bowie tip, Trevor Bolder from The Spiders played some great melodic basslines on the early Bowie albums. Not sure he's underated but I'd add Roger Waters from Pink Floyd as a really intelligent bass player. Funny enough, I can't think of any underrated bass players from the soul/funk/jazz genres but maybe that's because bass is more to the fore in those musical areas? Nik
  13. [quote name='The Burpster' post='8366' date='May 28 2007, 10:38 PM']I'm fairly sure Allparts have nuts in that size, and various others..... Oh the smut potential with that comment is huge n'est pas? [/quote] Cheers - will check it out. Definitely - That is a 100% 'ooh, err, Matron' kind of comment! It's too late right now, but I'm sure I should have replied in a pseudo- French 'Allo, Allo' kind of way...
  14. Hi, That's not good to see on a quality bass like a Lakland - my first instinct would be to contact them straight away! Have you any close ups of the bridge, the neck pocket and of the nut to see what's happening there? The D and G strings look seriously out of line across the pick ups as you say so I wonder whether you're also getting a problem with less output from those two strings as they're not sitting in between the pole pieces as they should? Good luck with getting it sorted, must be a real worry... Nik
  15. Hi Folks, Any advice as to where best to get a replacment nut for my old Hondo Ricky copy that I'm renovating, and some switch cleaner for the sorting out the dusty and noisy electrics that haven't been used for ages? The nut is 4cm x 1cm x 0.5cm. Thanks, Nik
  16. [quote name='Beedster' post='7995' date='May 28 2007, 11:05 AM']+1, although the point above about power supply etc is worth considering before we commit to a venue, especially if it's a school. No point having 30 rigs if there's only two power sockets, and schools these days are nightmares re health and safety so multiple extension cables might be out A well placed rehearsal studio (near a pub) certainly sounds like the best bet to me? Cheers Chris[/quote] So...back to The Water Rats - hire 2 rooms..It's near trains and a pub?
  17. [quote name='Beedster' post='7809' date='May 27 2007, 08:45 PM']Nik, trust me, if you saw the finish close up, you'd change your mind. No joking, I think it was a Primary School project! Chris[/quote] After what you did with the paint job on the Sub5, I'm sure the Shergold will look great when you've finished with it Chris! So, do you still like the sound of the bass - seems to me like it's passed Beedster's critical 2 week test, which takes some doing? Nik
  18. [quote name='Alun' post='7905' date='May 28 2007, 12:14 AM']Hi. I've been using a B2.1u for a while without complaint but when I turned up at last Friday's gig, there was a high pitched digital whine after ebery note, even in standby. I took the unit out of my signal chain and everything was fine but I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced? It may be down to a crappy power lead ( a no-name 9v adaptor daisy chaining a few pedals) but I'm curious. Cheers, Alun[/quote] Hi Alun, I had that with my B2 once and it was something I never quite worked out the cause of to be honest. At first I thought it was caused by weak batteries, so I changed them. I also thought it might have been caused by something else in my fx chain. I even considered the fact that I might have been caused by having too many of the B2's own fx happening at one time. But because I changed the batteries, moved the B2 in my fx chain and took some of the fx out of the patches, I never knew for sure what the root cause was. Hopefully, you'll be more methodical than I was and work it out properly! Nik
  19. [quote name='Beedster' post='7705' date='May 27 2007, 05:04 PM']Hi all I'm about to strip and refinish the old Shergold Marathon I bought a few weeks back (if you take a look at the current finish below you might realise why). It has one PUP, tone and volume controls, single stereo O/P jack, and a two way mono/stereo selector switch. When using a mono lead with the switch in mono position all strings sound. When using a mono lead in the stereo position only the G and D strings play and the A and E are literally not audible at all. I assumed that with a stereo lead all strings would sound and through two channels, that is G and D into one and A and E into the other. However, using a stereo cable appears to make no difference, that is, with the switch in stereo mode only the G and D sound whilst in mono all sound but only through one channel. As all strings sound in mono I assume the PUP is functional but that there's a dodgy connection somewhere? However, I took off the control plate a few minutes ago and it looks like a bowl of spaghetti in there, also, I can't get to the jack socket as the paint is so thick on the plate. So, before I start doing potentially terminal things with soldering irons, can anyone offer any advice on any further diagnostics I could (or comment on whether I'm doing something daft like, for example, using the wrong type of lead)? Cheers all Chris [attachment=305:AUT_7208.JPG][/quote] Hi Chris, You're a brave man taking on that paint job!! Personally, I quite like it but that's probably because I don't have to look at it everyday.. I don't know much about this stereo wiring stuff but there's quite a lot of info if you google 'rickenbacker stereo bass wiring'. This is one example: [url="http://cachepe.zzounds.com/media/19502-b814d1f55075f2f3f08bd0d8f0b61312.pdf"]http://cachepe.zzounds.com/media/19502-b81...0d8f0b61312.pdf[/url] There's also a Shergold form which might help as well: [url="http://www.shergold.co.uk/"]http://www.shergold.co.uk/[/url] I'm still having lots of fun with the Mojo'd Sub 5 by the way. Hope all's well with you? Nik
  20. silverfoxnik

    Zoom B2.1u

    [quote name='Alien' post='7391' date='May 26 2007, 11:47 PM']+1. Certainly good value for money even though a few of the presets are a bit, well... [i]crap[/i] I think describes it best. Once you get into playing around with the settings though, there's some really useful stuff on there, and the control pedal just doubles its usefulness. As long as you're not expecting it to sound like a high end processor, you won't be disappointed. Andy[/quote] Definitely agree with all of that! When I first started playing bass 30 years ago, having something like this unit would have been an absolute dream.. I know there's lots of other great pieces of kit out there, but this is brilliant for the money; in fact, I managed to pick mine up on Basstalk for £45!
  21. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='7102' date='May 26 2007, 12:43 PM']bump[/quote] +1 on that! Thought I'd bump this topic back to the top so we don't lose sight of it! I'm still interested in doing this if anyone else is?? Nik
  22. Two lovely basses Peter! Must be helping you to get over the bitter pill of having had to clearout some of your basses recently! Nik
  23. From a tax point of view, there is an offical definition of a 'vintage car' which I think is either 25 or 30 years old. And there's also a definition of a 'classic' car which is approx 20 years old I think, so maybe that gives us a guide for using with basses? When I imported a 25 year old Wal from the States in 2004, I convinced the VAT people that the bass was 'vintage' and they reduced the VAT I had to pay on it from 17.5% to 5%!! ^_^
  24. [quote name='nig' post='6502' date='May 25 2007, 02:12 PM']yep as above, when i worked in a guitar shop the luthier always used cascamite and made a roux with wood powder so you couldnt see the repair, but the way, how ya doing nik ?[/quote] [i]"I use Titebond 1 for all my guitar repairs/building."[/i] Hi Nig, Paul_c Thanks for the replies, Well today I'm going to buy the glue and then will do the repair tomorrow. I'm officially CRAP at DIY, so this is probably not a good idea but I'm foolishly feeling quite confident?? I'm good Nig - how about you? Still haven't got back to you about the L2500 have I, sorry! It's out of reach for me at the moment unfortunately but that may change soon... Nik
  25. [quote name='MB1' post='6481' date='May 25 2007, 01:46 PM']MB1. Have just recently fixed a tanglewood acoustic guitar,the top had completely snapped off, tuners and all right across the thin part of the neck.i used hard as nails to repair this,tied and weighted the repair and left it for 24 hours.i then drilled and cross pinned the repair sunk the pin heads and filled the holes with wood filler.light sanding and staining. repair is 100% guitar stays in tune job done! hard as nails in the tube works! MB1.[/quote] "I might be a bit out of touch, but Cascamite was what my Dad (and woodwork teacher at school) were always pushing - and it looks like it's still available..." Cheers guys - will check them both out! Nik
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