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Everything posted by Aidan63

  1. NorthWest guitars sell Hosco files, but they aren't cheap, but they are good, like everything though about 20-30% more expensive now than a couple of years ago; they do sell on amazon and ebay too but often the stuff you want is only on their website and they don't price match themselves on other platforms; prebrexit the Spanish and Portuguese sites were a useful alternative to StewMac too There are several independent luthiers tool suppliers who used to trade on Ebay and on their own sites, I bought some stuff from ChrisAlsop, nice files and the like
  2. I prefer the black, it appears to makes the purple stand out more in the pic, but that may just be a variation in the exposure if the metering was centred mostly on the pickguard hence the fabric and body of bass are slightly more exposed in the pic with the black guard and underexposed with the white one
  3. Irish customs seem to have chilled out a lot in the last 12 months, doubt they are bothered about collecting a bit of vat on individual used goods, they probably realised being heavy handed was slowing traffic clearing the ports and airports, wasting staff time and reducing visitors, better to have visitors paying however many euros a pint of the black stuff is now than not. Mind they are on the ball for VAT scamming men in vans and throw the book at them and heaven help you if you run foul of the revenue in any meaningful way, they are way more powerful than the police over there. Charging vat on used goods is wrong, and costs so much work and grief, and quite probably doesn't pay for itself, I would love to see the figures, but the collection fees being charged by the shipping companies will be making for a nice bonus for the top management I bet. It would be really interesting to go over the books of the parcel companies and work out the full impact on revenue and costs, and work out the cost of the delays, and the difference it's making to the balance of payments and gdp, a nice bit of forensic accounting for someone at the Treasury's Phd no doubt.
  4. DHL won't talk to you seriously as you didn't order their services, it is up to the parcel sender to deal with DHL, if they booked delivery through a 3rd party like parcel2go then they have to raise the issue with them and they deal with DHL. But it is a nightmare getting any sort of service from any courier company now, customer service is just script based, the parcel was delivered, noone takes any responsibilty and lying to the customer is acceptable practice for all of them now it seems. You could just threaten the parts vendor with a small claim and see if that stirs them at all
  5. Crimson guitars might be interested ? Especially if they can get some YT hits out of it, might be worth contacting Ben direct
  6. shame that Ashdown don't look on here and pick up the feedback or engage in some market research with some of the market
  7. Recent video on SBL showed a lot of tones from the famous Wal he's just laid out for, that is some tone circuit variety in the Wal, if you can get anywhere close that's amazing, but it wasn't clear to me what was the bass and what was the amazing tone stack
  8. In had the same problem with some UK made aftermarket pickups I bought, rather than mod the pickguard I pried the covers off the pickups and bought some standard sized replacements, they were well attached with hot melt glue - these big ear pickup covers appear every so often from China and I guess the pickup winders don't notice
  9. NHS has been heading that way for along time, there are queues of american style insurers want a piece of this market; staff deserting the nhs in droves and locum costs through agencies further impacting ability to deliver so further exacerbating the cycle down to destruction point next step will be fees for GP appointments as only way to retain GPs, on a pay first and means tested claim back after basis
  10. CV mustang can be quite heavy as dense nato used for body, at least in my case Shame the HB isn't 41mm nut width I don't find the CV slab body at all problematic, but I always use a strap and am personally well rounded, ymmv nice colours from HB I wish the mustang control plate was easier to obtain and available in other finishes, but I guess it shows there isn't much demand for self builds of this type of instrument, easier for most people to use one of the tele guitar or bass control plates for a self build and rout accordingly
  11. what brand and model tank is it ? Been watching psionicaudio a bit on YT and many tanks in amps that come in to him are similarly failed, polarity does matter as can cause a hum issue especially in some valve amps; most of current tanks are pretty poorly built iho; he tends to fit new but even the better new tanks aren't that good; there are specialists (at least in the states) who repair them and that's where he sends vintage tanks that sound good
  12. What if everyone goes on strike ? okay it's not actually answering the question but....
  13. You don't need saving, we should all encourage you to enjoy a build and post up your progress Though as someone with several projects waiting for time/space, weather etc... I fully sympathise
  14. If you are making a short run of instruments I think it needs to be different from the offerings from FMIC, they already offer PJ in all the body shapes and sizes and cheaper than you can make them, Harley Benton have the sub Squier price pointr end of the market covered for the same thing in nice pastel colours, so I'd ask why are you even bothering to make an offering, that you'll struggle to sell at a profit and then end up remaindering out after 18 months, that's what I don't get, if you are trying to build a brand then be different and experiment like Serek and Wilcock and others, make them to a price point sure, but like Chowny are doing making/building/assembling in the UK. Reverend have built a brand on being a little bit different.
  15. Hartke are now from Hicksville, I'll just leave that here😈 welcome Joel, who are you touring with in the UK ?
  16. Looks nice but seriously do none of these guys ever think beyond a P and J pickup What about using B-90s or other interesting pickups like Ped has done with his mustang and others have done with similar guitars. B-90 won't be a copyright issue I'm sure, anyone can wind a 4 pole single coil pickup. It just smacks of lazy product design and development imho. ymmv of course, and yes I have almost entirely fender style pickups in my instruments, and that is why if you want me to buy something else it needs to be something else.
  17. Looks like the originals had lifted and the voids have been filled with wood filler or the like; you could rout out the filler and maybe some more wood to fit new inlays or as you say just use stick on ones; stick on ones you can change the look to suit your mood, sharks fins one day, birds the next....
  18. As someone else in the relative sticks who doesn't want to waste time and fuel driving about the country unnecessarily (and contributing to the traffic) I do wonder why people use Ebay as a marketplace if they are dead set against providing a delivery option, surely that's what the local marketplaces like Facebook and Gumtree are all about. I get that if you live somewhere populous and you have something that is so sought after it will fly out the door you might use Ebay (though only when you have a deal on the max fees, right 🙂) but it's the biggest international shop window and people from all over use it to find stuff they can't find locally, or they may be housebound, or for other reasons might expect delivery to be an option. I use it all the time to buy stuff that I can't get in town here (1500 peeps, good food provision, inc a butcher and a chemist and 2 takeways and a garage and builders merchant) though I could drive to Welshpool or Oswestry and buy it in a shop, but that means 20+ mile round trip, which if all I need is say a pack of water filters say doesn't make sense to me. We get generally great service from the post and couriers and the music stores mostly provide a delivery service.
  19. Dan sold me trick little Noll MixPot that he advertised; all good, tracked special postage during postal strike so it made it to Wales quickly and was double boxed so arrived safe and sound; many thanks
  20. fingers crossed for tomorrows lottery 😍 we all know it won't be sub 9lb 😲 only a serious buyer needs play it and feel if it's the one for them
  21. a players grade instrument at more than fair price, but weirdly not listed on Reverb in the US - worth an hour trying to make a deal ? maybe.....
  22. does it have the name of the neck maker on it ? Could it be the same guy (or gal ? ) carved your neck as JMJs original Mustang which was copied for the JMJ sig model; the profile code letter may also be on the neck with the date
  23. And quite a few luthiers like mantoncustoms who you'll find in the affiliates section, google is your friend (other search engines are available)
  24. where is the black wire for the leds coming from ?
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