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Everything posted by Bean9seventy

  1. i dont fancy being jumped on stage in a pub ?? ; D call it jazz cafe nightmares ,, its why i go to TLBGS ,, its a safe(r) environment
  2. My lowest natural de tune i had no real major issues with the fret board was Db Ab Db Gb ,, cheers guys
  3. sensible and you'll be ok if it was bikes we would be talking about cold setting ? ,, sure if you have a tight drop out you can squeeze out the frame ,, but if you get it wrong it can cause other components of the bike to fail / ruin the bike completely , if we think of it as bikes ,, the guy wants a longer chain for a deeper ratio ? ,, we say just change the deepest sprocket eg one string E to D ,, = DADG because the higher faster gears will cover all the other notes / ratios ,, and if the guy wants to cold set to "his choice" this can also include neck to body re - join adjustments it would be pointless putting a shorter chain back on ,, eg standard tuning back on the bass cheers guys 1 day to go before LBGS
  4. yeah , truss rod "can" be a tweak too far guys when you are splitting hairs on set up ,, eg the strings might start breaking faster ,, the bridge might start grinding & the fret plate might slowly weep back into its prime default position ,, if in doubt music shops can set the bass to pro bass level , shops do good m.o.t.s , that's what i do if i have serious set up issues " i go to denmark st ,, whats left of it # thanks guys
  5. the trend is to move away from getting as low action as possible ,, heavy strings kind of work different too, they need a bit of space to move ,, tho its starting to sound interesting putting on max weight strings on a D G C F set up should be enough funk for anyone ,, the strings might feel a tad droopy ,, like that could be cool , be careful with the truss rod tho guys ,, you can snap the bass if you over tweak ,, ps i did see a pro rock band with a straight level set up on his bass eg , the strings from bridge to nut had an amazing true line ,, no slope dip rise or fall over the frets or body ,, and it played like a bell london bass guitar show this weekend , cheers
  6. get the tube to " Angel " ,, from any central grand main line station guys ,, ; ) , then its a few bus stops to the joint ,, ; ) nick beggs ? ,, could be a great meet ,, he moved on to stick bass and exotic things ,, so yeah ,, we confirm he was not the 1st brit player to slap a music man , means ,, i dont do his covers ; ) ,, great guy tho , plus * lets see what he is up to in the wake of the internet music revolution , i will be doing Funk Monster tips on bass mainly for scotts bass lessons to see ,, because the stuff is not on the internet the theory of funk according to B970 another you tube user said to upload it ,, but i think scott would do a better job explaining it ,, as my talking videos are not great ps , i got the nick name " The Funk Monster from some of sellers at the bass guitar show ,, thanks
  7. ?? you only need to drop the One string from E to D ,, guys ?? and there are basses out there with a built in de tune latch ,, for the E string if you feel you need to drop every string D G C F,, then you may need to set up the bass / fret action truss rod strings etc accordingly & have a separate bass for standard tuning ,, you can get a brand new bass for $75. remember, if you only de tune one string then its easy to tune it back ,, if you like playing in D G C F all of the time / a gig Band or LP ? then quit bothering about re tuning to standard tuning as you have initially made it clear , its not required on the bass you are using at this time here i am playing a bass line in the wrong tuning " deliberately" ( Eb Ab Db Gb ) in order to get a feel of consistently playing the bass in the tuning the band i was in wanted ,, thanks
  8. there are various ways to drop your strings ,, depending on the feel of the bass line / notes required ,, eg if you need just a low D then simply de tune the E string to D ,, = D A D G ,, eg used by mark king , dropping every string by a whole tone is rarely required D G C F is a rare set up ,,, the most common is Eb Ab Db Gb ,, where you can de tune Eb to Db ,, giving you Db Ab Db Gb ,, i have used many combinations of de tuning D G C F could be used on eg "The S,O,S Band The Finest" its the only bass line i know where that method of tuning helps ,,, tho i have yet to try it using the more common D A D G set up ,, thus a probable reason for a weak sound when you de tune could be your initial set up , set up for standard tuning only ,,, thus you probably will need to reconfigure your initial set up ,, fret board truss rod strings etc to cater for de tuning ,, here i am using an extreme set up ,, so many people have asked me about how i devised the de tune for Tom Brownes Trowdown simple ,, you de tune to Eb Ab Db Gb ,, then use the mark king method ,, de tune E to D = in this case Eb to Db giving you Db Ab Db Gb and here i am using the standard mark king de tune on the wrong song ; D ,,, it can only be played Kansas city milk man apparently ; D ,,,, i am sure there are other De-tunes on other level 42 LPs finally recently i used the common method of Only dropping the E string to D = D A D G on The Word Girl ,, when de tuning this way including Db Ab Db Gb means the fingering changes ,, cheers
  9. the line up is there
  10. nick beggs ?? ,, ; D this will be interesting ,, nick is a great player / good guy ,,, musician who kind of pioneered stick bass ,, after the band went broke* ,, he carried on learning more about the instrument his manager told him to play ,, it should also equate to david bowie ,, who put the band ,, that was broke , skint ,, back onto the the straight & narrow ,, a week to go and I am not ready ,, typical ; D
  11. no rotosound is possible alarm bells guys ,,, well ? its best to visit just to see if TLGBS is still viable ,, whether it is evolving into a U.S style NAMM if not it was great going to TLBGS over the years from around 2011 ,, in years to come people will back with pride to say i was there when bass players ruled
  12. sad to hear all these bass players moaning ,, we got to keep the funk going guys ,, NAMM is very similar ,, it could be good it could be bad ,, plus we get the chance to see how stalls treat guitarist when they just want it a little bit louder ,, maybe there are places were you can play as loud as you like ,,, ?? quit this moaning eat a snickers ,, you're a bass player ,, & mean with it ,,
  13. yes only one other picture of the " Axe " P Bass is on the internet ,, so far here it is ,, in its natural form
  14. yes ii double slapping can be played using a different method ,, i did show a guy at LBGS last year he quickly said the same thing ,, but ,, "double thumbing" can be played using a 100% much simpler method too ,, there is also absolute 100% simple ways of achieving triplets ,, the maths behind double slapping ,, is to do with harmony ,, not speed slapping ,/" kettle slapping " ii i dont use the word machine gun slapping ,, or continuously thumping your bass until it breaks , the video you saw was rushed ,, double slapping is something you might use Once or Twice in a tune ,, here is an example of double slapping being used in the correct way or ,, the way it was initially intended the worlds 1st double slap jam is at around 1 min 27 secs ; D please use slow motion to see it i will do more examples ,, in fact i do just a Single double slap in this jam @ 2 mins 33 secs its now already part of a players tool box ,, mine unlike many hacks D.S makes it easier to play bass ,, its flowing energy you control ,, not the other way round , double thumb , Double Slap , line tap , triplet slap we might never know how future players will use it eg , for those who do not know ,, double thumbing in 70s was sighted being lazy ,, ; D it used to be called rubbing the strings ,, ; D if victor wotten ever reads this ,,, that's what it was called vic ,, string rubbing laziness ; D Thanks stay tuned
  15. funk has nothing to do with 16 notes chords or scales ,, man ? scales are on lizards ,,,, ;D yeah We know these things because Funk was never invented in a tech music college ,,, Funk is a feeling , the theory has yet to be uploaded ,, its all teasers apart from " Double Slapping " sorry you are so so bored ,,, that is not my fault , without people like Myself and those ^ above ,,you wouldn't know how to spell the word Funk , ;D get used to the facts ,, when i think of Crackers ( Sunday nights) , only the dancers are left , , DJ george & paul have left the building so what we say is Gold ,,, if the moon is square its square ,, But hey that is what you expect on a gaming site ,, right ? the theory is so so simple but so effective ,, it will change the way anyone looks at their bass forever ,, guaranteed , just like Double Slapping but 100 times more so , its not a hack ,, its a complete theory ,, almost like the bible , literally , keep looking coz all you will find is tech , fast triplets slap hacks or advanced notation transcribed from guitar i have been on you tube a while & have not seen the theory anywhere , that's when you realize omg ,,, of course , if the theory was on line it would have already pointed it out , 1969 - 2019 ,, was The Bass was the last messenger in music ? ; D
  16. this year i was going to go to LBGS in march ,, where i was going to push Double Slapping ,, then ask scotts bass lessons if he would be interested in my music theory ,, it fell apart when they announced it would be in September , now i am jumping the shark trying to do the theory on line ,, its hard for me to do cheers The Worlds 1st Double Slap ,,, thanks ,,
  17. i have been to the LBGS ,, & was asked to turn my bass down without it being plugged into anything guys ,, ;D as a person who has busked bass from 1989* in central london ,, We Know as soon as people hear Big Funk on bass it gets shut down ,, if it was the london / Rock / bass guitar show this forum would be different ,, the average rock bassist can find it hard competing with an average funk bassist because of ? ,,, Slap ,, means as soon as anyone slaps bass over & above the overall din of sound ,, you are aked to turn it down ,,,,, ..... even if its not plugged in ; D ,,, The guy did look a bit silly ,,, when i showed him ,, my bass was connected to nothing ,, anyway all of the pros & cons aside ,, LBGS is the next best thing to Namm , ,it gets % thumbs down on youtube ,tho , because its a place where Real People ,,,, including you tubers meet ,, hiders hate lbgs ,, so,, what ever it is lets keep LBGS going guys ,, not having an amp means nothing ; D, i go to LBGS talk jam & chat , share , buy ,, manly on The Oliver Lang stall it was those guys started to call me The Funk Monsta ;,,, D
  18. Double Slapping is not the theory of funk ,,@,, it is just an easy hack i guaranteed would change bass players ,, probably forever the next day , ,,,,,,mark adams ,,,, that sunday & my 1st D.S jam D.S , proves the bass has a limited harmony ,, compared to a piano , the funk theory is just as easy to learn ,, almost ,, (eg no outrageous fingering or slap required,, 100% ) and will have an even more profound effect on bass players & musicians ( probably also guaranteed ) the very next day ,, and its not a hack ,,& you wont ruin your bass its not on the internet anywhere ,, as far as i know ,, it basically blows away all of the teachers & much of what they say in one simple theory , everything you think you know about bass ,, from master class players to bedroom beginners ,, until now , & its so so simple i wanted to go to LBGS meet scotts bass lessons ( i have met scott ) to see if he wanted to do the videos ,, as i can not do not want to wait until September ,, so i am trying to film myself ,, its not easy
  19. so bass chat is just a gaming site ,,,, ?? wow ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >
  20. nah ,,, i blew you peeps out of the water ,,, as i said i would , The worlds 1st double slap ,, makes you 1000 times more funky than you ,, no not you ,, you were the day before you saw it ,, guaranteed ,, yeah easy from one of UKs 1st Ever slap players ,, no rig no gear ,, no need to train ,, just get all of the Fun you need from bass in less than a second ,, & hey ,, if you want to jump me on stage ,, as they did @ the jazz cafe ,, go ahead ,,, ( jealously ) they tried it at LBGS ,,, but the organizer(s) of LBGS saw & stopped it ,, anyways ,,your PC must be so noise led without ear plugs ,,, & being as bored as you are ,, try going back to sleep ,, do us all a favor turning bass chat into an AOL gang stalking gaming site will not work either That too has already been tried before ,, ,,,,, Mark Adams ,, respect ,,
  21. The worlds 1st Double Slapper ,,,, ; D change the way you play bass forever with one simple hack ,, it wont matter what type of music style you are into ,, sorry you find it too difficult to do ,, lol ; D ,, double slapping ,, Mutual Attraction by Change ,, wow , only 2 or 3 notes of D.S , changes the harmony of those notes , totally mouthwatering The Funk Monsta ,,, mixtape Bootsy ,, D.S gives you powerful control of The Funk ,, Turns you into the Big Rock Metal guy , Billy Sheenan " i always want the most amount of sustain from my bass ,, i never realized you can get those extra ounces internally from your own body ,,, awesome , victor wotten ,, i was always looking for extra notes ,, D.S is another round of extra notes , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i hereby dedicate " Double Slapping " to Mark The Hansolor Adams thank you
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