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Everything posted by Bean9seventy

  1. i am a street funk bass player ,, besides i think everything has been said on this topic ,, many enjoined it ,, understood the angle ,, will return with another
  2. The 1st time is saw slap ?? ,, i was already "popping" strings on stuff like T-Connection "do what you wanna do" in 1977 ,, this i was taught by a guy i knew in an" un named reggae band " ,, so ? i met another brit funk band nearby who did "the entire" slap thing soon after ,, & i was sold , if i start naming names guys,, you would fall over ,, this is something i never do,, but i get nervous when i hear wired gent stories ,, i hear you man ,, the hippy thing do not ring no bells,, dude ,,, funk is a street sound ,,
  3. great to find someone who can not understand their own view ;D
  4. just because you find an LP on discogs don't mean millions of people when they were released was listening to them in say 1974 ,, yes there were hippys ,, yes there are what we now see as classic funk LPs from 1973 ,,, in 1977 it went mega Viral ,,, you get it ,,, for about 3 years it was thee No1 thing ,, it is why we are all here ,, & then you learn about larry graham ,, never the other way round , thanks ,
  5. important point to the very ,, pops popwell really is the sound,, the band ,, the thing ,, that kicks starts Brit funk ,,, especially slap, as opposed to a say a UK soul band , the street value where Disco evolved so fast developing funk jazz ,, quickly renamed jazz funk is key ,, the early hippy mentioned bands & uploaded had no traction ,,NB this part of history often turns into arguments with bass players / folk who do not remember the 1970s , those same hippy bands rode the back of disco & came out on the other side in the 1980s & 90s as the red hot fusion bands everyone knows & fears today ,, Thus the equation of slap ,,, you learn or see slap for the very 1st time ,, your amazed And Then they tell you about larry graham ,,, never the other way round ,,, big points thank you
  6. agreed tho , i refuse to be judge over other users communications ,, in my books LG is very similar to hendrix ,, LJ was a new guy ,,also knowing something of " the foxy electric lady " both had a mid west to west coast feel ,, yet as mentioned slightly different methods ,, the breaking news on this is,, i had no idea until youtube how hard LJ attacked the bass ,, wow, Thunderthumbs as a nick names is an understatement ,, breakin new pt2 ,, ?? LJ says he never knew slap from LG ,, ?? wow , great topic ,, certainly something to check out , thanks
  7. nice hippy gig ,, there is a band from japan i found on youtube getting some slap down on the old grey whistle test from 1976 ,,, will try to surf & find that , cheers
  8. you know what mate >> ?? lol its a good point ,, when slap exploded round the world , 1978 - 1980 it was for some, like spam in monty python ,, others it turned into an ultimate critical speed battle on bass ,, more modest ,, its like be bop v pop music ,, slap did have a golden era , otherwise it would have disappeared faster than unlicensed 1632 hot dogs ,, lets dig one out , new york ,, big city ,, disco ,, soul ,, for 3 short years took over the world ,, 1977 - 1980
  9. the electric lady ,, nice post
  10. well no? imagine the 1st guy who invented say a skate board ?.. or facebook ,, or Slap & it took say 10 years before folks say ,, after slap goes world wide from some typical euro type disco pop song in 1978 ,, folks say, who really invented it ? lets find him (larry graham ) & do a video ,, that is what happened ,, by 1980ish teachers were teaching slap ,,with back up videos of LG many others now, larry gets total respect & credit ,, the story of larry in 1970 ,, to world wide disco in 1978 .. those twilight years of larry to ron cater ,, to paul jackson ,, jazz , bootsy funk ,, & louis johnson who were the "new guys" in the frame , funk Soul music,,?? motown had this pre disco tune ,, new york disco
  11. LOL we often refer to that as "wes" montgomerys brother ,, you get points for this even tho its a photo ,, reason why is because wes montgomeys brother ,, was into sharp & flat notes ,, could only got the method from miles ,, thanks
  12. No we say the opposite ,,, Breaking News ,, anything jaggar could do Jimi could do better ,, & larry is the closet thing to jimi ,, hendrix is the missing link ,, 1968 was a big year ,, so these methods larry was using % ,, slap was the sound of the future ,, came true 12 years later with level 42 ,, jimi was the main gig at woodstock ,, they all new larry graham, all knew larry was slapping ,, it took 10 years before slap became a household theme ,,yes larry invented it ,, but took until about 1980 before folks be like ? we need to know this ,, sit larry down & show us so ? it was the 1978 Disco era of Music & bass that turned people "around the world" to slap some many great bass players later over those years after larry was at the top in 1970 here is a great example ,, Robert Popswell check it out
  13. interesting point ,, you make a movie ,, say it yours ,, then lose the rights ,, could that in some way lean towards the point where larry did all the ground work of slap ??,, & waited 30 years before he could sit down & explain what he was doing ? why folks thought i was against larry graham ,, when larry is the closest thing to hendrix ,, hendrix is the missing link ,, cheers
  14. i want the full detailed ever dense ,, plus i am not taking me pills without me milk
  15. just a blog ,, where you can say what you like ,, almost ,, & learn drum machine ,, :D But wow ,, was jagger so far ahead of the game he put slap in the movie ,, ? we say yes
  16. jagger is licking the guitar with his palm & thumb & plucking the strings with his index fingers in what today's teachers like Sotts Bass Lessons call the "see saw" motion,, not perfect, not shakatak or surface noise, yet its something, its early, btw Performance is one of "thee" classic movies, filled with micro details throughout , could this small jagger jam be another ? ,, we say yes ,, lol there are no videos because no one was making them ; D ,,, the reason why is because there was not yet a market for slap until 1980ish ,, thus i thank you for pointing that out , its key to some of the reasons why i launched this particular blog , thank you
  17. well ? i know a guy who can slap you an unlicensed hot dog from 1632
  18. Awfully sorry man ,i typed the message in the wrong "user box" could not delete it , great you posted back giving me a chance to explain
  19. well ? the video you posted was not from 1970 ,,, the bass player in that video was not larry graham (he had left slys band by then) & seems you went in too hard ,, yet another reason why i am doing the blog its another way of finding out how long my tale actually is ,, eg how long will it be before i get a thumbs down while standing in a queue in mothercare ? oh & i forgot to say The missing link is Jimi Hendrix ,, if you read the heading ,, you might realize i posted this thread means i am hosting this post , why would i want to troll my own post ?
  20. came in strong without reading the tin ,,, this blog is not about Who invented slap ,, this blog is about Finding the earliest video / movie / film clip ,,, so far its 1968 ,, with a close call from 1955 ,, another from 1632 was disqualified ,, because he had no license for his hot dog stand ,, quote # that there's no slap bass lesson video before 1980, urm, urm, do you know that these lessons were written lessons in magazines, in the early days... # end quote answer ? just find the videos of larry graham Showing how he plays bass before 1980,,find Any video of Anyone showing how to slap bass before 1980ish ,, as for magazines ? if i am not mistaken most were to promote Fender or the basic pop merchandise of the day ,, glossy images of The brothers Johnson who in 1976 were the new kids on the block ,,, ?? they don't count ,, 1976 is some years after 1968 ,
  21. anyone who could slap bass in 78 would have got a shot at being a pro musician ,, / pop star for anyone in 1978 to casually slap bass is ,, nah ,, they would have had to know someone in the industry ,, no myths or long stories here ,,
  22. you know what it is mate ,, ?? Drum programing ,, long before you was born ;D
  23. um ? i was uploading The Lady in My life bass jam mainly for Chris Tuckers circle of respect pals ,, during learning the notes i saw the jagger movie ,,, it just hit me in one phat massive go ,,, thanks ,,
  24. totally agree ,, yet this blog post is to find the earliest visual footage of the slap funk method ,, so far its 1968 ,, a1955 video was posted tho it never quite got into popping ,, i did stress double bass slapping of rock n roll would be omitted ,, the search continues ,, thanks
  25. totally agree ,, the blog is not on the method(s) its on finding the earliest footage ,, film movie ,video of slap ,, thanks
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