I agree to some extent with the OP on this, and if I’m going to ask a particular question which can’t be answered by rtfm, I’ll usually read/search first, before posting, as in the ‘read before posting’ thread.
That’s OK when coming in ‘cold’, but if while reading a thread, if it prompts you to ask or comment, which, while being appropriate and related, might be a tad away from the core thread subject, then on this forum it doesn’t always work, for me at least.
This is because I have my Favourites listing to default to Unread posts, and if I leave the thread to search the forum, when I come back to it, it’s no longer ‘Unread’, so it has disappeared, and has to be searched for again. On other forums, such as the Volvo OC, back means literally going back through the pages last visited, ie back to where you were.
Having rambled through all that, it’s not really life changing either way: the way this forum is built has advantages others don’t, so I just take the rough with the smooth.