I’m still looking for a 68-72 precision and I saw this, I enquired but looking closer at the pics on my phone there’s some chipping on the fretboard that’s put me off , would you say that’s from a bad refret https://www.reidys.com/bass-guitars-c1349/fender-1971-precision-bass-rw-3-colour-sunburst-p10255/s10855?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=fender-1971-precision-bass-rw-3-colour-sunburst-0000000330329&utm_campaign=product%2Blisting%2Bads&cid=GBP&glCurrency=GBP&glCountry=GB&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImKSz1YjJ-wIVDeztCh1Z3A1HEAQYASABEgIl_PD_BwE
Yeah, I didn’t have time to go and look ,so I enquired about what was original and if the truss rod was ok but they couldn’t give a definite answer , someone might have got a bargain
There was one for sale in a local cash converters for £90, I offered £50 but they wouldn’t sell, I don’t know what they are worth but I would have given it a shot at 50
I’ve used these for years and have them on about 7 basses and as Si mentioned, I’m pretty sure there’s only one type, they did change their packaging a few years back
And yet I’ve always preferred VVT, I find it more controllable, I’ve had some of my jazzes changed to this and it’s also why I like stack knob setups with separate settings for each pickup
not many original parts which would put me off but that’s just my preference 🙂, if they accepted a pretty cheeky offer it would be worth spending some money to get it how you want , I quite like the wear and the pickups might be original ?
It’s a great song and released in 1985 , Perhaps it was a synth or maybe an effect of some kind on the bass , I don’t really know, I just used my jazz with both pickups on full and cut the bass down a bit