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Everything posted by Reggaebass

  1. As a guide , I bought one that was a 2011 I think (V11) on the neckplate from Amsterdam in 2017 for £1600 , it was mint condition with all the case candy, can find a pic if you need it
  2. For me it’s probably my 71 precision, really nice set of old worn in labella LTF’s ,it has that P bass tone and thump I don’t get from my other P’s
  3. Think I’d try gentle heat from a hot air gun and clamp it down to a board
  4. Tristan Palmer excursion, backed by the Roots Radics , go Flabba
  5. Welcome oldsod 👍
  6. Very nice mr b 👍, I’ve still got my LB30 which I think is similar , really nice sound
  7. There’s a 71 P going up for auction next week, might be worth watching https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/mctears-gallery1842/catalogue-id-srmct11822/lot-5f38aa11-b89a-4bcb-ac26-afd601125aef
  8. I don’t need another amp but so did I 😁, how is it
  9. Same tegs, I couldn’t fault it one little bit, amazing quality but after a few weeks every time I went to my rack I’d pick up a jazz or a P, I just feel comfortable with my fenders so for me they are worth the money
  10. Really nice work Kevin 👌
  11. Lovely Steve, 40 years is a long time, don’t part with that one
  12. Been going through a fair bit of Dennis Bovell today, this is quite a lively one nice Bassline
  13. Have you had many American made fenders, I’ve had and have got many and imo their quality is very good, £1000 wouldn’t come close to the 62RI jazz I had , I shouldn’t have sold it but I used it to fund a custom built Sandberg which I didn’t gel with
  14. I paid more than that for one of my fender jazzes which I suppose is mass produced and imo it’s worth every penny
  15. I’ve visited many times and spent the day there with them once, they are the most helpful bunch of guys I’ve ever met, I’m confident they will definitely sort out any problems you have Grezza
  16. I’ve never seen a precision with a matching headstock , there’s a picture of a 59P on page 4 here which was special order, looks really good
  17. Reggaebass


    Welcome mark 👍
  18. Not sure if I posted this, I’ve started to learn it and recognised the lyrics from Dennis Brown , man next door
  19. Tune 👍
  20. Welcome back 👍
  21. Definitely, Robbie Shakespeare played it and like most of his basslines he varies it throughout
  22. That doesn’t happen very often, congrats Guy it’s lovely 👍, I was tempted myself
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