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About p4ul

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Prolly not enough
  2. Brilliant, thanks. well, it looks like I’m gonna have to get one of those then 💸 one can never have too many envelope filters to be fair 🤩
  3. Nice one thanks 🫡
  4. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/375857544552 Appols if a repost. Has any one used one? They also have a Micro Tron… cheap and cheerful or WOM?
  5. Is it illegal to buy 3 filters in one month? I have gone down the rabbithole…
  6. Just got the Flatley Filtron from Mr Spector. A perfect transaction in every way. thanks very much 🤘
  7. She lives! The ole dry solder joint and that was all, not bad for 1983 tronics
  8. Just got the Mr Black FwonkBeta from MrD, its now time to Fwonk the neighbours evening! top man, a gentlemen and a bassist. see you in the welly! thanks P4ul
  9. Hoo fonking ray! I’ll dm u
  10. Dear Mr D Long shot but is this pedal still in your possession?
  11. That is amazeballs! Actual schematics!
  12. Dave is super helpful, good shout
  13. Thanks for the replies. I know it’s a longshot and I know that a lot of people have taken out the old preamps because they do die of old age. but the thing is it’s part of the sound of the base and I’m not sure that there’s anything quite as tonally mad out there to replace it 😀 Would like to see if I can keep it going
  14. I think my pre amp finally died.. new batteries and still the noises of doom. fine on the passive op. any one know of a tech that might be able to diagnose a million year old french board?
  15. Got a reverb pedal from Pete. perfect in every way. thanks Mr Fleabag 🤘
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