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Jaime Tortosa

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Everything posted by Jaime Tortosa

  1. Thank you very much, my friend. I will be uploading videos weekly. You can subscribe if you want to support it or you don't want to miss anything. Thanks for your comment!
  2. We all know bass: an instrument that is in every kind of actual and older music. But bass guitar is sometimes underrated as an instument. Many people say that they can't listen to it, when maybe they can't recognise it. Bass guitar can be used to create the harmonies of a song, but also to write beatiful melodies and solos. It's the link between the drums and other intruments like guitar, piano, trumpetes... All in all, it's a crutial instrument. I have a YouTube Project 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdzGmH8kV1A4ggge-TquZDg), where I try to demonstrate the importance of bass guitar in music. I make bass solos (covers and original ones), riffs, essential basslines to learn... I share with my audience some songs that have a relevant bassline. I put the bass at the front, so they can apreciate it. I Will be uploading a lot of content, so consider to ubscribe if you like it. RELEVANT VIDEOS: ANESTHESIA PULLING TEETH (Cliff Burton's solo) cover: DAWN PATROL COVER: DAVID ELLEFSON BASS SOLO COVER: ACES HIGH BASS COVER: BASS GUITAR METAL SOLO: If you like music in general or the good sound of a bass guitar, I invite to subscribe to my channel. I'm starting it, so I need a bit of support 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdzGmH8kV1A4ggge-TquZDg?sub_confirmation=1 ). At least visit it, you won't regret.
  3. Yeah, I also have a cover of a Dave Ellefson solo. It's me. Thank you for your comment. I'll be uploading more todo my channel.
  4. You're welcome. It was a pleasure to cover that amazing solo. Thank you for your support to the channel.
  5. I present you my attempt on this really cool solo: I hope you like it! Anesthesia Pulling Teeth was a song released by Metallica in 1983 as part of the Kill ´Em All album. It was an amazing solo written by the legend Cliff Burton. Starting at half of the song we also hear Lar's drumming. I've tried to emulate both Cliff's amazing solo and Lars' drum track (with Ez Drummer). This is a song that was partly played by Cliff live. I hope you all enjoy. I will continue uploading this kind of videos, so keep in tune. Please SHARE the video, it helps a lot. SUBSCRIBE to help to widen the love for bass guitar, and also to encourage me to make more content. If you want me to continue with this collection of bass solos, don't hesitate and tell me if you liked it or not (press the like or dislike button!). I also have a patreon account, where you can get some exclusive content (for example tabs and more posts), so go check it: https://www.patreon.com/malephicbass. I hope you have enjoyed the music video. For tabs, visit my patreon (first ink in description). OTHER RELEVANT VIDEOS ON THE CHANNEL: -Aces High Bass Cover. Essential Metal Basslines to Learn (01): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgYSw... -Bass Guitar Metal Solo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRgls... -David Ellefson Bass solo Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Kgxj...
  6. This one is a classic.
  7. IdinkHeineken, I really apreciate that you have been watching my videos. I'll take that suggestions into account. This monday I'll upload a new video of a song I've been preparing, and it will be one of the songs you suggested!
  8. I have a Youtube project, where I can show the world the essential basslines everybody needs to learn (or at least to know). I have just uploaded the cover of one great basssline, reallly groovy, alled Dawn Patrol. If you want you can watch it, and tell me if you liked it. YOu can also comment which basslines you consider to be essential. And of course, if you liked, consider to subscribe, beacause there will be more to come. ESSENTIAL METAL BASSLINES TO LEARN-2. DAWN PATROL COVER. This is a song written by David Ellefson and Dave Mustaine from Megadeth. It appeared on the 1990's album Rust in Peace. I have recorded new bass guitar and programmed the drums, so it sounds better. The voice track is the original Dave Mustaine's voice. The lyrics show a world that is getting really polluted and that will cause the progressive deterioration of human health to the point that we'll live like moles. The listener realise that there is no salvation to our world and to human being. That could be related to the actual global warming and constant antropic pollution that may cause our end as a species. Apart from that, in the year the song was written (between 1989 and 1890) that could also be related to the constant pollution of nuclear tests in the context of the Cold War. The war was about to finish, but a lot of nuclear tests were already done. David Ellefson explains that he wrote the bassline playing one of Jimmy Bain's basses (player from Rainbow, Dio, Wild Horses, Phyl Lynott...). For him, every instrument has music hidden inside, that is waiting for the musician to play it.
  9. ooh yeah mingsta, that was really cool!! Thank you for watching! I will be uploading a lot more, if you want to subscribe.
  10. hahaha. What's that bass? Hello, metalhead.
  11. Hello everybody. I come here to ask if there's any metalhead that likes or plays bass here in the forum. I think it is important that we form a union. And, I let you know of mu youtube channel, where I upload bassmetal videos weekly. Come if you like metal bass. The kink: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdzGmH8kV1A4ggge-TquZDg Comment here, let's know who likes metal bass in the forum!!
  12. I share with all of you a bass solo I made for my youtube channel. I have uploaded more if you want to come and see. And if you liked, I will be doing more, so you can subscribe. Comment if you liked it.
  13. Mr Big is great.
  14. Thank you very much for you comment. I will be doing more of that content, if you want to subscribe.
  15. I want to know what's your favorite bass solo. I let you two of my favorites:
  16. I share with you this solo I covered. Tell me if yu liked it or not! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KgxjxvipQI&feature=youtu.be
  17. Hi everybody. I've made a cover of this Iron Maiden song, and I hoe you like it. In the description I also explain what's the song about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgYSwoNPwQ8
  18. Hello, I'm new to this forum. As a welcome presentation, I'll show you my video making a bass solo. Watch it, you won't regret it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRglsZQzlEU Thank you everybody out there.
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