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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. Teebs


    I don't, but my Dad was Welsh Learner of the Year in the '90's! Helo Ricky, bore da! (He's not actually Welsh, he just likes languages {and he's wierd!})
  2. Hiya Nehama
  3. Teebs


    ⏫ THIS!!! DO IT!!! (white electrical tape)
  4. Teebs


    Its 'cos its 'lush'! (see - I'm even down with the Monmouthshire lingo & whatnot! )
  5. Teebs


    Naff. Buy a second one if you want to do that!
  6. Teebs


    Agree ⏫
  7. Don't mind @Ricky 4000 - he won't have meant it! He just had a bad experience with a porcupine once...
  8. Glad you're enjoying it Cicero
  9. Teebs


    Oh yes... https://gretschguitars.com/gear/build/bass/g2220-junior-jet-bass-ii/2514730580
  10. Teebs


    Nice one Skinnyman! I think the green looks ace! Those little basses make some noise - you wouldn't believe it from the mini-humbuckers! Enjoy! (& think very carefully before you re-spray!)
  11. Nice though!
  12. 40000 penny chews (or non-1970's equivalent)
  13. Or... just to be contrary... "Everything is awesome..." 🎶 (*courtesy of The Lego Movie)
  14. Yeah! What did the Romans ever do for us?
  15. Nice bass! As you say, it'll be difficult to replace the knobs with something that matches the original - they were brass finish (rather than gold) & quite a broad diameter. If you don't like the look of the plastic ones, you could get something like this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/VS004-Vintage-Control-Telecaster-Guitars/dp/B01M3S6L3E/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1549432720&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=Guitar+knobs+brass+flat+top&dpPl=1&dpID=41jIB-3-NFL&ref=plSrch - not too expensive. I'm not sure about the truss rod cover, you might be right about it having been reversed, although mine is solid black. Enjoy your Thunder ⚡ projeKtWEREWOLF!
  16. ... and Wednesdays. There, I think that just about covers it.
  17. Audio-Technica AT2035- Studio pack: https://eu.audio-technica.com/AT2035-Studio About your budget?
  18. You lucky werewolf! Original had knurled brass knobs with a grub screw - yours has most prob had plastic put on when someone knicked the brass ones for another project, or maybe just preferred the look. You know the rules - pics or it didn't happen! Love my Thunder 1A
  19. You're in trouble now Ricky!
  20. Vagazzle for the face!
  21. ...yeah! And his beard-oil & 'craft lager' made by a US megabrewery! (To be drunk out of a jam-jar when he gets back to his urban collective)
  22. Lucky blighter!
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