Oh yes, blame Teebs!
I wasn't even on BC when you lot got in trouble!
Ricky 4000 & Skinnyman are bad, wicked people!
*goes off grumbling, kicking feets*
That's true.
When I was gigging, after the show, people never said 'wow - you're so hot' or 'what a fox'.
They might say 'meh, you were okay' or 'oh, have you been on yet?'
It saddened me
*in the voice of Eric Idol in Monty Python*
You, lucky, lucky b'stard!
I am so jealous!
When I asked my boss about me taking early retirement, he said "be careful what you wish for Teebs!" - so I think I'm good!
The ohm Ω rating of your internal speaker & external cabs combined is probably incorrect for the output of the amp, causing the cut-out in sound, or 'clipping'.
When an amplifier is pushed to create a signal with more power than its power supply can produce, it will amplify the signal only up to its maximum capacity, at which point the signal can be amplified no further. As the signal simply "cuts" or "clips" at the maximum capacity of the amplifier, the signal is said to be "clipping". The extra signal which is beyond the capability of the amplifier is simply cut off, resulting in a sine wave becoming a distorted square-wave-type waveform. (Wikipedia).
The maual for your amp is here ⏬
Trace Elliot SMX.pdf
I have a Trace 2103h cab - rated at 8Ω.
I always thought that the numbering was 2 (number) 10 (inch speakers, and) 3 (inch) h(orn).
I'm probably wrong though...