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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. Hi again Terry, this might be better for you - scaled & cleaned up in CAD. All the best, Hugh Hofner 500_1 Violin Bass CAD.pdf
  2. Hi Terry, Glad it helps. I can put a scale bar (Metric / Imperial) on the drawing in CAD if that'd help? Hugh
  3. Or this - I can try to scale it in CAD if required. 500_1 Beatle Bass.pdf
  4. This is the closest I can find: Hofner HIBB Ignition Violin Bass - http://www.proaudiostar.com/hofner-hibb.html
  5. Hi Dadagoboi
  6. Hi Bholby
  7. I'm in touch with most of the band members from late '90s / 2000s & still see them at weddings or for drinks on occasion. The drummer from those bands is ace, still drumming in a very good band that I've just sorted out tickets to see later this month - really looking forward to seeing him & his new band - the best drummer / musician I've been lucky enough to play with. Conversely, the band that I was in up 'til recently, I have seen sometimes, but really not bothered either way - I certainly wouldn't go to see them gig if they ever get that far. I would be interested to see how their guitarist turned bass player is getting on - but only out of badness!
  8. Teebs

    Hi from ITaly

    Ciao Bud!
  9. Teebs


    Hi Kenny
  10. Hello BlueMoon
  11. Hiya SiBiRiDi
  12. Wow! 🤤 Thats quite a list! Now I have GAS!
  13. Hiya Witters
  14. Teebs

    Good morning!

    Hi Paul Will keep any eye out for your Vigier.
  15. Hi Marshall
  16. Hi Jason
  17. Hiya Andy
  18. Teebs


    Hi Lazarus Good luck with learning the bass & I hope the band goes well. Looks like your bass is Lazarus too - back from the dead! Hugh
  19. Wow! And
  20. Teebs

    Hi all

    Hi Tony
  21. I like the 7th one...its good for metal. 😑
  22. Are you sure now?
  23. Looks like this thread is plectruming-up again!
  24. "The plectra for the Japanese biwa and shamisen can be quite large, and those used for the Arabic oud are longer and narrower, replacing the formerly used eagle feather." Wikipedia Picks / Plectra should henceforth be replaced by eagle feathers - sooo much more poetic! *runs away cackling maniacally*
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