@Richard R - Brawley Artemis 4, Brawley Artemis 5, EBS Session60 amp, something to weigh basses with.
@Frank Blank - Rob Allen Mouse Fretless, Rob Allen Mouse Fretted, Ibanez SRC6, QSC K12.2, HX Stomp.
@Stub Mandrel - Fender Performer, Hohner Jack Custom V, Deathburger (HB kit build), TE 1110 combo?
@petecarlton - Mayones Cali4 "Puzzle" Bass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYAvWZGwc4s&t=13s&ab_channel=BassTheWorld.com
@Teebs PRS Kingfisher bass, Godin Passion RG-4 (fingers crossed that it arrives! )
@SpondonBassed - Jack. (That's not short for Jack all, it's just that I can't decide until nearer the time.)
@Machines - Sire M5 / Yamaha RBXJM2 / GenzBenz Neo Pak / EICH112XS
@bassmansam - Rickenbacker 4003s, Eppy Thunderbird Vintage Pro and Ashdown ABM 500 2x10 combo
@jebroad - Not-fender jazz (maybe), squire silver series jazz, old Kay SC, Dingwall combustion, Ashdown 8x10 (Maybe)
@Jabba_the_gut - 27" mini basses, Short scale telebass, whatever else I build by then, TC RS210 combo. Cakes
@Oldman -RUACH NT 35” Unlined Fretless Custom, head and cab
@NickA Since the last one.. got a second Wal with an extra string and those weird metal things in the fingerboard ( supposed to help you play in tune I think, but cause all kinds of problems ). So, yes, please. I'll be there; Couple of Wals and some pjb amps.
@Geek99 - POSSIBLE ... Ampeg AMP, bass-doc built relic P, homemade jazz with geddy lee pups, zoom b2.1
@bnt - TENTATIVE - Harley Benton MP-4EB Enhanced "Shamberg" w/ EMGs and its own Ryanair seat, tc SpectraDrive.