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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. Crock of Gold : A Few Rounds with Shane McGowan was on the other night (BBC4 I think). Looking forward to watching that, as well as the Boomtown Rats one tonight.
  2. @Richard R - Brawley Artemis 4, Brawley Artemis 5, EBS Session60 amp, something to weigh basses with. @Frank Blank - Rob Allen Mouse Fretless, Rob Allen Mouse Fretted, Ibanez SRC6, QSC K12.2, HX Stomp. @Stub Mandrel - Fender Performer, Hohner Jack Custom V, Deathburger (HB kit build), TE 1110 combo? @petecarlton - Mayones Cali4 "Puzzle" Bass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYAvWZGwc4s&t=13s&ab_channel=BassTheWorld.com @Teebs PRS Kingfisher bass, Godin Passion RG-4 (fingers crossed that it arrives! ) @SpondonBassed - Jack. (That's not short for Jack all, it's just that I can't decide until nearer the time.) @Machines - Sire M5 / Yamaha RBXJM2 / GenzBenz Neo Pak / EICH112XS @bassmansam - Rickenbacker 4003s, Eppy Thunderbird Vintage Pro and Ashdown ABM 500 2x10 combo @jebroad - Not-fender jazz (maybe), squire silver series jazz, old Kay SC, Dingwall combustion, Ashdown 8x10 (Maybe) @Jabba_the_gut - 27" mini basses, Short scale telebass, whatever else I build by then, TC RS210 combo. Cakes @Oldman -RUACH NT 35” Unlined Fretless Custom, head and cab @NickA Since the last one.. got a second Wal with an extra string and those weird metal things in the fingerboard ( supposed to help you play in tune I think, but cause all kinds of problems ). So, yes, please. I'll be there; Couple of Wals and some pjb amps. @Geek99 - POSSIBLE ... Ampeg AMP, bass-doc built relic P, homemade jazz with geddy lee pups, zoom b2.1 @bnt - TENTATIVE - Harley Benton MP-4EB Enhanced "Shamberg" w/ EMGs and its own Ryanair seat, tc SpectraDrive.
  3. Gaaaargh! >:(

    New bass delayed at border "due to Brexit related disruption". 

    Thanks very much new world order!  B'stards! 


    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Teebs
    3. SpondonBassed


      Did you knock the missus up while you were in Eire Hugh?  The same thing could happen and she might be carrying for a month or two extra due to "Brexit related disruption".

    4. Alanbass


      Out of interest is your bass being delivered by UPS? I've had terrible problems with them but not DHL

  4. Independence for The North!
  5. They didn't update my bringing things thing either Bastards! Bloody midlanders!
  6. Hiya Andrew
  7. If it arrives safely...
  8. Good luck @taha_never
  9. Wasn't planning to. Was planning to bring 'The New One' *cue the 'wonder / rapture music*
  10. @Richard R - Brawley Artemis 4, Brawley Artemis 5, EBS Session60 amp, something to weigh basses with. @Frank Blank - Rob Allen Mouse Fretless, Rob Allen Mouse Fretted, Ibanez SRC6, QSC K12.2, HX Stomp. @Stub Mandrel - Frender Performer, Hohner Jack Custom V, Deathburger (HB kit build), TE 1110 combo? @petecarlton - Mayones Cali4 "Puzzle" Bass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYAvWZGwc4s&t=13s&ab_channel=BassTheWorld.com @Teebs - Hinnocent - Plus might bring my new bass - if you're good! (And if it navigates Bre*it borders okay...) @SpondonBassed - Jack. (That's not short for Jack all, it's just that I can't decide until nearer the time.) @Machines - Sire M5 / Yamaha RBXJM2 / GenzBenz Neo Pak / EICH112XS @bassmansam - Rickenbacker 4003s, Eppy Thunderbird Vintage Pro and Ashdown ABM 500 2x10 combo @jebroad - Not-fender jazz (maybe), squire silver series jazz, old Kay SC, Dingwall combustion, Ashdown 8x10 (Maybe) @Jabba_the_gut - 27" mini basses, Short scale telebass, whatever else I build by then, TC RS210 combo. Cakes @Oldman - Custom fretless 5, and some amplification, TBD @Geek99 - POSSIBLE Ampeg AMP, bass-doc built relic P, homemade jazz with geddy lee pups, zoom b2.1
  11. Hiya BN
  12. Hiya Madein ,
  13. ⬆️ Agree entirely! He seemed very normal - some others have been a bit 'spesh'. Loved the Eric Burden prog. on BBC4 too!
  14. 👍🏼
  15. Check out Thomann - that RCF 735 is £599 at the moment (RCF 735-A Mk IV)... RCF Art 735-A MK IV – Thomann UK
  16. ...also BBC4 10pm - Eric Burdon 'Rock n Roll Animal'; BBC4 Midnight 'Southern Rock at the BBC'.
  17. Not me. I'm getting adverts for Caribbean holidays, supercars and high-class escorts (not the Ford ones). I don't know what you're both worrying about - it's not like they're ads for Dignitas or anything...
  18. Hiya Esther
  19. Nice! Great colour!
  20. A Palestinian, an Israeli and an Inuit all met up for a coffee. Ladies & gentlemen, what a wonderful example of an integrated society!
  21. Subscribed instantly!
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