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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. 👍 Please, please, please do a YT video of why 5-string basses are an annoying distraction, and people who play them are '90s throwbacks! You could call it something like 'The 1990s called, and they want their stupid big toy ukuleles back'! Or 'Slap bass is for w***ers'! I would pay cold, hard cash to see the BassChat response to that!
  2. That's not a parasite! That is your Lord and Master!
  3. Oooh nice!
  4. @Richard R - Brawley Artemis 4, Brawley Artemis 5, EBS Session60 amp, something to weigh basses with. @Frank Blank - Rob Allen Mouse Fretless, Rob Allen Mouse Fretted, Ibanez SRC6, QSC K12.2, HX Stomp. @Stub Mandrel - Frender Performer, Hohner Jack Custom V, Deathburger (HB kit build), TE 1110 combo? @petecarlton - Mayones Cali4 "Puzzle" Bass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYAvWZGwc4s&t=13s&ab_channel=BassTheWorld.com @Teebs - Erm...dunno What! Isn't my mere presence enough for you peoples!?
  5. BassChat peoples really don't like YouTube peoples, do they!
  6. I was abusing the Welsh contingent, not the Cleethorpes Massive! Just wait your turn, twerp!
  7. (No TLRTs ) I'm Irish, you heathen!
  8. UV Marker pen? Or maybe open it up & initial in tiny letters with magic marker? Then photograph it.
  9. You're not allowed! You're Welsh now, boyo!
  10. I think it's because he's advertising his YouTube channel...
  11. @Skinnyman - do you think you'll be able to make it this time? Better give the charabanc a good check-over - esp. those dodgy tyres!
  12. Don't bank on it! Some of the finest minds of our era couldn't organise a simple Den of Iniquity Thread video meet up! I think that there was actual violence!
  13. Hiya JMcN (great name, BTW!)
  14. Hiya Ivan back!
  15. Teebs


    Hiya Al
  16. Hiya NT
  17. Hiya Oceansize You're not named after the band are you?
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