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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. Sit Down - James, and Lovecats - The Cure. 21st Century Digital Boy - Bad Religion.
  2. Hmmm...you might want to check your gain.
  3. LA Woman - The Doors
  4. C'mon @Hellzero ! We're awaitin'
  5. You get 24 in any 24 hours. If you use 24 in 1 hour, it'll be 24 hours before you'll be able to use them again. This is not true Each member has an allowance, not affected by other member's usage. True dat.
  6. Hiya Andrew
  7. 20 week scan last Friday - it's a Teeb-boy! :swoon:

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Reggaebass


      I’ve never had an alligator but it would be cool 😂

    3. Teebs


      Sooooo cool! belleslunettes2.gif.82fac0b7368d16c64e19da87a91a0396.gif

    4. SpondonBassed


      Cool and... nippy.

      They aren't called ankle biters for nowt lad.

  8. Hiya KK
  9. Hiya Damenajm
  10. I did this with my Gretsch Jet bass:
  11. 5-string basses are for people who can't play proper basses properly.
  12. Yes! During Lockdown #1 I worked exclusively on the E string. During Lockdown #2 I worked exclusively on the A string. During Lockdown #3 I worked exclusively on the D string. In the impending Lockdown #4 I shall work exclusively on the G string. In the Fifth Lockdown, I shall put everything that I have learned together to achieve total mastery of the bass guitar instrument. If there are any further lockdowns, I shall probably achieve world domination. It's easy if you have a plan.
  13. Hiya Dave
  14. Nice one! 👍
  15. OMG HZ! You're soooo old!
  16. I know the problem! There will be people on here who might be able to help - maybe @Hellzero Good luck 👍
  17. Hiya WB
  18. You mean like somewhere that you're not allowed to do certain things, like mix with other people, travel to other countries, perform live music or entertainment, criticise the authorities, go shopping for pleasure, visit other parts of your own country, spend time with family, protest against perceived injustice etc. ? Ah! It's hard to imagine somewhere like that from our privileged position.
  19. Teebs


    Hiya auvke
  20. Lovely those! From Wikipedia: Cort's main production focus is not on Cort-brand guitars, but rather on contract work for numerous other companies. Generally, large companies contract Cort to build lower-priced guitars that have that company's brand on them. Ibanez, Parkwood, Squier, G&L Tribute series line of guitars are among the most well-known brands that Cort produces. In recent years, small companies known for extremely high quality (and high-priced) guitars have begun contracting Cort to produce budget line models. Avalon Guitars, based in Northern Ireland, sold 8,000 guitars and more than doubled their income from the previous year when they contracted Cort to build a lower-priced guitar for them.
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