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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. Teebs

    Synth Decision

    I did the same - it does look (& sound) pretty good 👍🏻
  2. Not strictly a quote from a musician, nor particularly inspirational: Hi, we live on Dorset Avenue (2 streets away), and if this noise continues, we're going to call Environmental Health. We just thought we'd mention it as a courtesy. One of my first band rehearsals at the singer's parent's house, rural Manchester circa 1997. Everyone's an effing critic.
  3. Mancunian liking gravy pea, 6 foot, bad player & proud!
  4. Bad player and a shortarse!
  5. Teebs

    Synth Decision

    Isn't the SY-1 a guitar *spits* pedal? Does it work okay with bass @stewblack ? What do people think about the SYB-5? Ta
  6. Hiya Mike
  7. Hiya JD
  8. Hiya Scott
  9. Hiya K
  10. Hiya CB
  11. Hiya BN
  12. Hiya BA
  13. Teebs


    Hiya Drippy Cat
  14. Hiya Raphaello
  15. Hiya RR
  16. Teebs


    Hiya Harps
  17. Whatever happened to the heroes? They gave up, and faded away in the face of overwhelming odds.
  18. Hiya HSB
  19. Obsessed. Not cool.
  20. I just am cool. True dăt
  21. Nope. If you're bringing a plus one, you must bring cake and gin. The rules are clear.
  22. Teebs


    Hiya Nekomatic
  23. Hiya BB
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