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Posts posted by Berserker

  1. Thanks for the info chaps, I'll experiment a bit more in a band setting once we're allowed!

    I use compression when I mix music and have a reasonable understanding of what it's supposed to do, but never noticed much difference when playing.

  2. Hi,

    Whenever I read up on essential pedals for bass, compressors are always near the top of the lists. I've tried a Spectracomp, Bass Preacher, Seymour Duncan and now Pigtronix compressors and I still can't really figure out how I'm supposed to use one! It usuall just makes my sound louder or quieter but I never notice a real tonal difference or anything. Many people say compressors make or break the sound so I know I must be using them wrong because I sound the same either way. I was thinking of trying one like the MXR with a meter so I at least know when it's doing something. 

    Any tips on the best way to use one? I play mainly rock, fingers and pick, and I play pretty hard most of the time.


  3. 17 hours ago, DaveFry said:

    If the vocal line is ascending then play a descending line .
    If the vocal line is descending then play an ascending line .

    Thanks, I'll bear that in mind if I have ideas for vocal melodies. Unfortunately our singer doesn't get involved at all until the music is written.

  4. Hey guys,

    I started playing bass about 18 months ago after playing guitar (badly) for 20 odd years. I've joined a cover band and am technically good enough to play what I need to play and learn new songs relatively quickly. We've now started to write some of our own stuff and I find myself following the guitar lines a lot and my parts are very uninspiring. I just don't have the knowledge to write parts that are interesting and fit the music.

    Where should I start? I know a few scales on guitar, and the basic pentatonic shapes on bass, but I don't really know how to apply them. 


  5. Nice multi FX that's actually useable live and sounds great. Loads of amp and cab sims as well as every effect you can think of. I bought a dedicated modulation pedal so no need for this as that's all I ever used.

    Price includes UK postage.



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  6. Wasn't sure if this was the right section as it's not specifically a bass head. Please move if it should be somewhere else.

    Great sounding amp that has multiple amp models built in as standard, and can import any amp model and cab sim from the Bias Amp software including the bass models. I've used for recording and rehearsing with bass and guitar and it performed admirably. I don't play guitar at all any more really and have specific gear for my bass needs.

    Loud too! 850w @ 4ohm, 600w @ 8ohm.

    Includes original box, price includes UK postage.




  7. I recently bought this from gnasher 1993 on here. It's a beast of a pedal, with 2 separate overdrives and an analogue octave up. It can go from mild to insane distortion and appears to lose no low end at all and stays articulate. I think I'm looking for something more vintage sounding, so would definitely be up for a trade for a Darkglass Vintage or something similar.

    I bought it from gnasher for a crazy low price so I'm keeping it the same for my sale. Price includes UK postage.

    Here’s what Cog has to say:

    Cog Custom Dirt Box “CADe00”

    “Knightfall (black) and Darklighter (cream) on an A/B footswitch, with a footswitchable octave up (yellow) in series before them, with clean blend (blue) in parallel with the octave and dirt. Sounds absolutely brutal, and is super versatile. Make your bass guitar a weapon. Make your guitarist whimper and politely ask you to turn the gain down because you're making them look bad. Ignore them. Play louder.”



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