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Everything posted by steve-soar

  1. My 87 MK bass was pretty much unplayable past the 7th. It sounded great and I did some recording with it, but live, it just totally disappeared in the mix. A massive mistake on my part, but as others have said, we were young and in love.
  2. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1377024276' post='2182410'] Let see the videos which you think are most [color=#FF8C00][b]F[/b][/color][b][color=#00FF00]U[/color][color=#0000FF]N[/color][/b] Here's a suggestion. I can't watch this without smiling. Love this .... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8vBDET3kbI[/media] [/quote] Fantastic!
  3. Marcus, that's the nicest bass you've owned, so far.
  4. The person who plays the bass.
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1376938699' post='2181264'] Right on! The best way to let this thread die is by bumping it to complain that it's rumbling on forever. [/quote] Or, by posting about the complaining about....
  6. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1376899705' post='2180378'] Is this still rumbling along? I can't abide threads like this. Apart from the irrelevance (only vaguely aware of the brand and the guy and will never buy one of his basses so basically I don't care) it's 17 pages (and counting) of cyclic argument and reminds me of just about every thread on TB. Too long and too full of puffed up opinionated antagonism. [/quote]I agree. I've been to Morzine and back for a wedding and this is still blocking the inter-waves?
  7. Over the last 25 years, my basses have become more sunburstier. !
  8. Good grief, how awful. What a racket when King came on.
  9. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1376601513' post='2176823'] That's why I like it! It sounds like the band are playing in a small room and the bassist has a far bigger rig than everyone else. The way it's mixed is awesome. It's not a particularly hard tone to replicate to be fair, but I hardly ever hear songs mixed like this- it's more about what they haven't done than what they have. It would have been easy to chuck a grindy stingray tone in which sounds great stand-alone but ruins the song. The bass tone here makes this tune for me- maybe I should edit the thread to be 'best bass tone I've heard recently in the context of the tune' [/quote]excellent response, from someone with the ear of a bass player, all kudos to you, sir.
  10. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1376506242' post='2175197'] I had a custom - order Status bass and in my experience Rob and Dawn are two of the most decent and honest people you will ever meet in this business . You can place an order with them with the knowledge that they won't be happy until you're completly happy with the bass you get from them , and they will be there to help with any future problems you have with it . I would say buying a Status is a [u]very [/u]low risk in comparison to many other builders . [/quote] I agree. Their basses are immaculate. The one I own, even though it's 10 years old, been around the world, courtesy of its previous owner, is stunning and plays like a dream.
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1376434675' post='2174073'] The point of what JC is saying about Doug Pinnick ect is that the problem that is causing the fret buzz is something which has happened to the bass subsequently , and that initially the bass had no such problem . No one is denying there is a problem now . The question is what and / or who has caused it . . [/quote]Do you believe the bass had none of these problems initially?
  12. JC said he would replace the fretboard, why would he do that if the bass was in good order?
  13. "I think he is referring to the fact that Doug Pinnick played the bass quite hard with a pick , which would have been likely to have accentuated any fret buzz problem ." So, there was a problem to begin with.
  14. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1376433897' post='2174057'] It causes more fret buzz because it usually causes the eliptical movement of the strings to be more extreme than most fingerstyle playing . That is generally thought to be common knowledge . A bass that plays cleanly with fingers often buzzes when played hard with a pick . [/quote]Er, in the owners video, he plays with fingers, I can hear fret buzz.
  15. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1376427620' post='2173956'] I think he is referring to the fact that Doug Pinnick played the bass quite hard with a pick , which would have been likely to have accentuated any fret buzz problem . And Jimmy Coppollo is probably quite a poor business man . Like I said earlier , it's a business full of rank amateurs . We are ,after all , talking about people who want to build electric guitars for a living . It's hardly a profession which attracts hard-headed business men with slick P.R skills . Jimmy is only human and is responding in a defensive way to the deluge of criticism and abuse he has had over this bass and the nature of the agreement he had with the buyer . As I also alluded to earlier , I have no interest in defending Jimmy Coppollo, but at the same time I can see why he has reacted in the way he has . He has been tried and found guilty by a jury of idiots on Talkbass and now it has passed into legend that he is a conman who produces shoddy work and then abuses his disgruntled customers . I expect that is actually some way from the truth of what actually happened here . . [/quote]I have never played a JC bass and would have found the opportunity of playing this lefty as a coup, as I'm a lefty and have been disappointed by custom builds in the past. I think the photos show serious finishing issues, both in woodworking and lacquer. I worked for a luthier for 4 years and I can say that no instrument ever left the shop in such an appalling condition as was shown in these picks. Finish sinking does happen, but that fingerboard was a total abortion. What really is of interest, is that the post on Talkbass from JC, implied that the owner may have photoshopped the pictures. Also, how does playing with a pick cause fret buzz?
  16. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1376423879' post='2173869'] You would [i]really[/i] have to be enamoured with your own work to think that a body that looks like it was contoured by a drunk with a Dremel is of craftsman quality. And your ego would have to be of cosmic proportions to believe that your work couldn't possibly be that bad and that somehow a camera flash must have made the bass look like ****, or to suggest that the buyer had doctored the photos rather than admit you've produced a really poor quality instrument. If he'd come back and said "OK I've seen the photos and I agree that bass isn't up to my quality standards and I'm going to put it all right.", then his reputation would have been saved. Unfortunately he said "Give me the bass back and I'll give you your money back because you're clearly not the right type of person to own a bass as amazing as this.". I think he's crazy. Neither the buyer nor the forum are not to blame for his current predicament. It's entirely his fault. [/quote]Spot on. He portrayed himself as a very strange kind of business man. The very fact he called the bass's owners honesty into question, speaks volumes about his persona. And saying that Doug P, played the bass "like a man", well. All in all, a very sorry tale.
  17. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1376371769' post='2172851'] Will you need a power amp with that setup? [/quote]I would think so. But something integrated from Audiolab would be great.
  18. Really sad to say this but in my opinion, totally overrated. I owned 2 Tri 112's nice enough sound for a home stereo but for bass, no dice.
  19. total sh*t. Kicking a coke can down a jigger, not their brand of cola, f*** em. Too many images of " collective Subversium".
  20. [quote name='Lew-Bass' timestamp='1376151157' post='2170296'] [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Jazz_MIJ_LH_3TSB.html"]http://www.bassdirec...IJ_LH_3TSB.html[/url] What does everyone make of this? [/quote]Fabulous! I have one just like this, similar age, bridge was a bit hit and miss, the g saddle kept sliding. I put a Badass on it, some EMG's and a J Retro. It's a beast of a bass now.
  21. Worth a look, in my opinion. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Project-Pro-ject-Carbon-Turntable-6-months-old-Upgraded-Acrylic-Platter-/221265371231?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiFi_Turntables&hash=item338471a05f
  22. So, there is a turntable with it? Top of the range Sony 25 years ago was pretty decent, so your turntable could be a cracking bit of kit.
  23. Discos were places where people might have the chance of sex with random strangers after a night of drinking Harp, Cheery B and Babycham.
  24. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1375993077' post='2168454'] Most bands/artists that have longevity have to evolve or adapt every few years. Genisis are no exception. Bands like Marillion have (IMO) got themselves stuck in a rut. They still sell albums but by crowd funding them before they record them. They have to be careful, what happens if they bring something out so diverse that the fans, who have already paid for it, don't like it? Music is fickle. I don't think they could have continued to trot out the 70s stuff throughout the 80s and 90s. Once Phil Collins recorded solo, his new fans were bound to follow him back to Genisis and it would have been wrong financially not to take advantage of that by shifting musically. Gabriel continues to be weird, if that's your bag. [/quote] Gabriel continues his search for truth and making a change in the world. Colins, being an actor, followed a showbiz path and the other members, who saw his massive album sales in the 80's, understood that they needed to appeal to a wider audience.
  25. [url="http://east-uk.com/"]http://east-uk.com/[/url] Go to the contact icon.
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