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Everything posted by steve-soar

  1. Tune bass, maybe?
  2. It's deffo not me.
  3. Richard Sinclare.
  4. Davied was a member of Soft Machine but when they toured France in 1970, being Austrailian meant he couldn't visit France, didn't have the necessery papers.
  5. Panto metal is hanging on a jibbit.
  6. Never in a month of Sundays. "let's gold plate our gold".
  7. [quote name='achknalligewelt' timestamp='1361279852' post='1983764'] The latest thing I've been doing has produced an albumsworth of songs with Woodman Stone, a sample (my favourite) is [url="http://snd.sc/YDBAIM"]here[/url]. It's me on guitar, too (bragging, but I was very pleased with it). It's so nice to hear Basschatters playing. Literally from the first items on this thread, I've loved it, even stuff in genres I wouldn't normally listen to. [/quote]The Sun is out and this is making it even better. Nice harmonies.
  8. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1361231155' post='1983355'] mmm ok, perhaps this one will work... [url="https://soundcloud.com/handsetbongo/magic-fingertips"]https://soundcloud.c...agic-fingertips[/url] I seem to have multiple soundcloud accounts going on...very confusing [/quote]What a great groove. Lovely sound from the KGB too. Is that Jo, ex Redo?
  9. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1361201974' post='1982649'] My favourite bassline is generally the latest one I've written, but this is one of my favourites from my current band. [url="https://soundcloud.com/#neil-2-1/magic-fingertips"]https://soundcloud.c...agic-fingertips[/url] It was originally an intrumental piece that I wrote and recorded using Cubase VST back in 2005 and it's one of the very first things of mine that Jo cunningly grafted some vocals onto when we started working together a couple of year later. It started with the main bass riff and developed from there really...chords definitely came later with this one. Oh, and there are a few bass overdubs on it here and there (sometimes one bass just isn't enough!) It was played on my KGB headless and DI'd straight in. I think there's some compressor and a touch of reverb on it, but it's pretty clean otherwise. I just like the driving feel of it I guess, and the fact that it gives me some scope to throw some accents and whatnot in when I play it live. It's definitely never the same twice (and can be a bit hit or miss), but it's always fun to play. I'll try and have a listen to some of the other stuff folks have posted on here later... [/quote]Can't get yours to play. Owen, simply beautiful. Makes me feel so sad. Stunning tone.
  10. About as rock and roll as the Krankies.
  11. Last one. [url="http://soundcloud.com/steve-soar/03-rage-on"]http://soundcloud.com/steve-soar/03-rage-on[/url]
  12. It was very good, I thought. The R&B episode was very good too.
  13. Bev Knight, 20 times more musicians, quarter of the power.
  14. Love the translucency of the nut. Love the colour, love the grain on the headstock. Love it!
  15. [quote name='Ginfactor' timestamp='1359634689' post='1957904'] Hi Steve Its Rob I sold my other Kingbass & this one was in stock So had to have it,this one sounds & plays so nice if you would like to pop over u are more than welcome to try it out [/quote]Where abouts are you? You can try my S2 Classic neck thru in black too.
  16. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1361049671' post='1980486'] Cheers pal! Had a listen to that Honeykill. You do as you say regards the put a groove in your playing. I like the slight reggae ish nature of it and there'a a good dimishedy/harmonic minor classical type run early doors that i like. [/quote]Cheers.
  17. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1361047245' post='1980432'] Ok, here's mine. I wouldn't say it's my best, but it's my favourite just for it's simplicity. It copies the geets in the heavier bits. But in the one verse the bass is in it starts off slow and real simple and develops melodically as the verse progresses until it's playing a similar sympathetic line to the vocal. Then in the guitar solo its starts off with little staccato burst mixed with the occasional longer note then picks up into a heavy 16th phrase. I used to love playing this song. It's pretty old and we don't anymore! https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/losin-control [/quote]Some very tasteful runs around 2:30 onwards, would love to hear this live.
  18. Stiff have a soft spot for "Rocks Pebbles And Sand".
  19. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1361039201' post='1980279'] [media]http://youtu.be/Pm_FHEwg7N8[/media] [/quote]Wow!!! When 2 "Death Stars" take acid and dance together in outer space. (Death Stars as in where Darth Vader use to hang out).
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361041938' post='1980334'] I'd say so. A two-string bass played slide with a bottleneck! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJH4hXWuV_I[/media] [/quote]See, it's all good.
  21. Have fun working out then crazy riffs boy.
  22. Mart is an incredible bass player and a friend too. Not sure if he is a member on here.
  23. [quote name='LazyLizard' timestamp='1360331820' post='1968765'] Some rig incarnations Current rig Steve [/quote]Oooof!
  24. One more. [url="http://soundcloud.com/steve-soar/05-honeykill-1"]http://soundcloud.co.../05-honeykill-1[/url] Jaydee MK,into a Neve. Amp as above. Backing vocals too.
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