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Everything posted by steve-soar

  1. I should have said that I don't have a favourite bassline that I've done, yet. But I always try to make them super simple and try to get some groove in there. Another attempt from a once younger man. [url="http://soundcloud.com/steve-soar/04-freedom-thirteen"]http://soundcloud.co...reedom-thirteen[/url] KGB headless into Neve desk and Peavey MkIV into 2x15 Black Widow.
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360967411' post='1979342'] Oof, that's a clanky old sound mate! Like it! It's beautifully timed in the verses, really pulling the beat back deep into pocket, and the hihat and you seem to slightly battle for tempo which sounds very live and urgent. Great tempo for the song. Your feel is really confident, and you have better timing than the drummer, but it's all good. Top! [/quote]Thanks.
  3. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1360968007' post='1979351'] I really like this! [/quote]Thank you so much.
  4. [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1360930314' post='1978430'] That man is completely insufferable. I can't believe Warwick let him demo their products officially. It demonstrates how detached from reality some of the instrument manufacturers actually are that they think that's what's going to actually sell things to people. I suppose they expectation is that people will see someone playing seven hundred notes a second with their thumb in the most non-musical fashion possible and think that they'll be able to play like that if they buy the bass. Can't see that working at all though. A lot of these companies would do well to take a leaf out of Lakland's book when it comes to demoing the tonal capacity of their products. [/quote]What some of you don't get, is that Andy is the typical Warwick USA buyer. He looks like he just stepped out of an engine shop, is slightly overweight, hi- fives everyone, is on the winning team, has those chops and has dispossible income to buy one of these monstrosties. Perfect marketing by Warwick
  5. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1360942126' post='1978768'] Funky and Rocky in the right proportions: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A6ar44Ecec[/media] [/quote]Fantasticness.
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1360961587' post='1979248'] Not the most technical, but I managed to get at least 3 separate influences into this one, Dolly Dynamite, by The Tuesday Club: Song starts at 1m35 (and although the heading is New Glamour, that`s the second song on this clip) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opgxEUZB3II[/media] [/quote]Bowie, for 10 points.
  7. http://www.teomiller.co.uk/
  8. This one. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KMm_bHcaTU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KMm_bHcaTU[/url] It comes from the murders of serial killer Dennis Nilsen. The straight ahead verse parts are him cutting the bodies up in a controlled manner, the chorus is the boiled body parts floating to the bottom of the sea, (he flushed the boiled body parts down the toilet in the hope they would enter the water system). I used a Gibson Thunderbird, played upside down and strung left handed, through an Ampeg SVT II into a Marshall 4x12" guitar cab. It was recorded at Ed's Garage in Camden on old German valve eqipment into the very desk that "I'm Not In love" was recorded on by 10cc.. Teo Miller engineered, (Daisy Chainsaw).
  9. I thought The King bass had the "funk groove"?
  10. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1360955657' post='1979094'] Which one? [/quote]Fat Freddie, running through the streets of Moscow wins all avatars on Basschat.
  11. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1360606835' post='1973270'] Then do it. You've got no one to rely on you, partner, children. You could have chosen to do anything you want, like the members of the Beatles did. They were in their late teens when they went to Germany to cut their teeth, most of us could have taken similar choices at the same age. None of them had privileged backgrounds, they made a choice and worked to get where they did. If they had all day to write songs that's because they put in the ground work. Many other bands have had freedom and resources to do what they want after their initial success and haven't had the influence the Beatles did and others failed completely. Resources didn't make them what they became. The what might have beens, what could be, the what ifs are all irrelevant, their achievements are a matter of record. I'm not even a big Beatles fan but acknowledge the level of influence they had on music and other musicians. Could others have done it? No one has, despite their best efforts. [/quote]Yes
  12. It's called "The Gallery" for a reason. Ring in advance. It's a special place to buy basses from, not guitars, not recorders for your kids, just basses.
  13. For producer Rick Rubin, surveying The Beatles’ recorded achievements is akin to witnessing a miracle. “If we look at it by today’s standards, whoever the most popular bands in the world are, they will typically put out an album every four years,” Rubin said in a 2009 radio series interview. “So, let’s say two albums as an eight year cycle. And think of the growth or change between those two albums. The idea that The Beatles made thirteen albums in seven years and went through that arc of change... it can’t be done. Truthfully, I think of it as proof of God, because it’s beyond man’s ability.” Love that quote.
  14. Bargain. If it were a lefty......
  15. Hi there, it's less than 24 hours since you posted. Give it time, I'm sure you'll get some interest. Plus there is a 36 hours between posts bumping rule.
  16. No, not really. Never been a "scenester" and liked music because I thought I had to. I had a deeply un-cool collection when I was at high school but had some bold statements. I still love all of the stuff I own on vinyl and CD and that I don't own but hear on the radio. It's not a competition to be cool. That leads to retarded choices in taste that you allow yourself to be bullied by.
  17. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1360313138' post='1968335'] Take up guitar. [/quote]Brilliant.
  18. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1360353053' post='1969287'] The problem with practising in your head , although very worthwhile in certain ways , is that it only improves the parts of your playing that are in your head . To get your basslines out to the general public you need to translate any improvements in your understanding into your hands and onto your bass . Being able to recognise and visualise what you hear being played is a big step , but you have to practise with a bass in your hands to turn it into real improvement in your own playing . [/quote]Amen brother. Muscle memory is a big part.
  19. As an aside, just remembered this, brilliant name, brilliant song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=AzT7-drDc5s&feature=endscreen
  20. No#2 [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNCx7LDv7Ng&NR=1&feature=endscreen"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNCx7LDv7Ng&NR=1&feature=endscreen[/url] God, just realise I was a big soft-sh*te as a little boy.
  21. No shame, just being 10 years old and feeling glorious. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYfIFWhyznA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYfIFWhyznA[/url] No# 1
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1360349241' post='1969192'] [/quote]yeyyyy.
  23. I'm bored, bring back Meatballboy.
  24. ................annnnnnyway, back to what you peasents think is expression, what touches your hearts?
  25. I've just looked at this from posting last night, 3 pages, cool, I thought, some other nice examples of expression will be within these 3 pages......how wrong I was.
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