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Everything posted by steve-soar

  1. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_ywkpVJ624"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_ywkpVJ624[/url]
  2. [quote name='niceguyhomer' timestamp='1359802814' post='1960433'] I used to have one of these - fantastic cabs [/quote]You had some cracking gear. I think I may have your PLX 3102. Still going strong.
  3. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1359736971' post='1959665'] I've still got my alligator combo, bought back in the early 90's. I used to get an excellent sound out of it when coupled with an extra 15" cab. British made, fitted with Volt speakers...mine was 200 watts, but I never got it much past half way, it was well loud. You're right about the weight though...hence why I don't use it anymore. [/quote]Didn't you bring that to Keith's once for us to fix? It does weigh a ton.
  4. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1359636342' post='1957950'] Ha! I had a McGregor 200, which I ran into 2 15" no-name bass bins...I don't remember it sounding that bad at the time, although I was about 15 and probably didn't know better...it was probably pretty crap though, they were pretty cheapo amps. [/quote]It was probably mine at one point, Birkenhead is pretty small. It sounded really middley, no bottom end power and no pants flappage, the amp was probably knackered and being green as green I didn't realise.
  5. [quote name='thunderider' timestamp='1359658502' post='1958451'] dare i say....wobble? [/quote]Wobble...twice!
  6. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1359554656' post='1956513'] Ah, read the question Tone. Have a go with Hatfield And The North. I find (for example) Soft Machine a bit too barmy. Hatfield are post-Caravan whimsy-prog, but just onside from the madness of Soft Machine. (Having said that, SM in their very recent years before Hugh Hopper died were brilliant). Check out all four Hatfield albums - try the original Eponymous and The Rotters Club first, then more recent archive releases Hatwise Choice: Archive Recordings 1973-1975, Volume 1 and Hattitude: Archive Recordings 1973-1975, Volume 2. Here's "Going Up To People And Tinkling" [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDepecCm0pw[/media] [/quote]You have made my week!!! I love Them, directly responsible for my favourite band, Cardiacs.
  7. I've always set-up and modded most of my basses so they were generally ok. But I did try a Wal out at the Bass Cellar, what a massive dispointment that was, they just feel clumsy and wrong, IMHO. My cousins Ibanez Rick copy, the entire fingerboard fell off! But my Jaydee Mark King sounded and played great, until you got past the 5th fret, then the neck had so many dead spots. I was recording with it once and the rest of the band were in the control room and said that I had missed out some parts from the bass track, the bass was soloed back and the difference between the lower notes played below the 5th fret and above was shocking. I believe the truss rods were to blaime.
  8. My first amp, McGregor Bassman 200, into an HH 2x15". Totally grim.
  9. [quote name='Ginfactor' timestamp='1359315115' post='1952996'] New Kingbass [/quote] Nice one, fellow lefty Staus owner.
  10. Now that, brought a massive tear to my eye. Dude scale....the needle just bent.
  11. Aguilar DB680, or Ampeg SVT IIP, into a QSC PLX 3102, at 4 ohms bridged.
  12. Awww, you'll make much more money as a taxi driver. Good luck.
  13. [quote name='pjmuck' timestamp='1358620493' post='1942401'] Steer clear of that one. It's a fraudulent listing. Yves Carbonne owns that bass and I've been reporting it to ebay every time it gets relisted. [/quote]He does indeed own that bass, the bastard. I was going to buy it but couldn't make my mind up as it had a non original pickup route underneath the scratchplate.
  14. He is Peter Hook, bass player in Joy Division and New Order. he didn't have to provide the "funk" for Jamanicried, or the metal for Daft Leotard, he played what he could and it just happened to turn on millions of other instrument owners to playing what they imagined in their own inner space.
  15. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1358534503' post='1941110'] This is my very modified Squier VM Jaguar. At some stage I'll upgrade the electrics to match the looks Underneath all the pazzaz is a modest, starter bass but, stripped and veneered, it looks a million dollars and is great to play. Trimming the carbon fibre on the pickguard was challenging - thousands of tiny, highly conductive fibres just where the electrics are... ...one lives and learns [/quote]That is f***ing awesome.
  16. Lovely, lovely, lovely.
  17. Be cool, have loads of energy, if you can engage with the other people then that's great. If it feels bad....walk away.
  18. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1358469416' post='1940010'] http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xlccjb_new-order-the-perfect-kiss_music#.UPiZUaFQT1o [/quote]Beautiful. Cheers.
  19. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1358467897' post='1939988'] Hooky is the big draw for me this year. Seen Nate Watts and Guy Pratt before and very little interest in the other master class artists. In fact this thread just got me to play Perfect Kiss very loudly - what a simply fabulous piece of music! [/quote]Massive like.
  20. Was Not Was, "Walk The Dinosaur". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgiDcJi534Y MM. I believe.
  21. Remember this bass very well. Cass looked sick with it, in a good way.
  22. Awesome, in the same way dogs can lick their dicks, I think.
  23. So the case was bust?
  24. I missed all of this. So, did Gareth receive yet another unsatisfactory bass?
  25. Lovely rig brother. That will make some guitarist very happy.
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