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Everything posted by RedVee

  1. I own one of these lightweight great sounding amps that has some really good Toneprints. The Combined Toneprints are my faves combing compression with drive that sound great on my Basses.
  2. You could say the same about guitars and pedals, but you usually get a better product if you pay more for it.
  3. Reaper has very frequent updates of new stuff, which I like! It also has a great forum and tuition section if you get stuck., and a youtube Channel Maybe that is the same case with the other DAW's which I have used but only for brief periods.
  4. You can try Reaper which is very easy to use for free, or you can pay for it for £60.00 which is great value for money for a great and popular DAW. http://reaper.fm/download.php
  5. I use Mogami Gold Cables,they are a bit pricey but boy are they worth it.
  6. No it's the top 100!
  7. Lovely.......I would put both bridge and pup covers on that 50's style Precision,oh and more importantly a set of Thomastik Infeld Flatwounds!
  8. Brilliant......Looks like a nice Bass!
  9. Lets put this into perspective, The EU are always going to consider it more important losing British fishing waters over losing artistic talent from the UK.
  10. This issue only affects a small minority of UK citizens,although it will cost them there is nothing really anyone can do to change it. Some you win ,some you lose!
  11. I use the MXR Isobrick which has never let me down. It's a bit pricey though!
  12. I would say the majority would be doing it for the money over academic artistic practice.
  13. But it also goes to protect home grown musicians and bands.If they don't come then that means more work and more money in your back pocket for local bands. I don't understand why everyone is getting so worried, the vast majority of musicians and bands make the majority of their dough over here and not in Europe. I just wish something similar could be done with football players from Europe, as I am all for promoting local talent above anything else.
  14. If you discourage them then they won't come. Obviously this will give more opportunities to local musicians to perform and be rewarded. It sounds good to me!
  15. I hope that happens,then we can all return to pre 1975 where bands toured Europe without any problems..........Happy Days ahead Peeps!
  16. I use my Spectracomp at the beginning before any other effect, and my MXR-87 Compressor at the end as a transparent limiter.
  17. I too have the natural but with a Rosewood fretboard and it is one versatile Bass. Leo Fender once described it as the best Bass he ever made.
  18. Nice Bass!........I am a bit late with this one, but welcome from a fellow Sint Helenser!
  19. I purchased a Rickenbacker but the strings didn't lie fully in the nut slot, so I just used the string as a file........Perfect fit all round!
  20. That is what I did then I got stung by them again. I would never buy a Bass from them ever again!
  21. Andertons yet again showing their slack customer service, something that I have experienced more than once.
  22. Well I don't know, but go and take a look at their website and have it out with Alembic!
  23. On the Alembic website it mentions that John's frets where flush with the fretboard enabling him to get his action super low. I read this about fifteen years ago but I cannot remember the source but I know it was not from the Alembic site.
  24. Classic Rock can only be contributed to bands that originated in the 60's. The majority of you don't know the difference between Classic Rock, Heavy Rock and Heavy Metal!
  25. Didn't John file his frets down to the board on his Spyder so that he could get super low action, or was that his Buzzard?. Anyway if you are looking to sell it any time soon let me know, though I think that would be another long shot!
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