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Everything posted by RedVee

  1. Argh well, I think I will just have to wait for a used one to turn up somewhere, though that is a long shot. I do prefer the pointed headstock compared to the V headstock, or is the V headstock a different model and not a Spyder?
  2. Mmm.......I remember seeing one for sale around 8 years ago and it was priced at $10,000.,that is a bit out of my price range.
  3. Now that is one beautiful Bass.......I think I need one!
  4. Cannot see the point in posting that demo seeing that it is a guitar demo and this is a Bass Guitar forum!
  5. Or it could be that it is just sub standard!
  6. I think I would forget the individual presets after the first four unless I write them all down, so in my opinion having that many preset options doesn't sell it for me. One of my current favourite Basses didn't cost much more than this pedal which for me puts it all into perspective.
  7. £500.00 is way over the top, it looks like a great pedal, probably better than the YYZ and the SH-1.but I aint forking out that much for it.
  8. Apparently the preamp is not as harsh as the one in the Elite, which is good!
  9. Nice looking Bass!.......I am tempted to get the Mocha P Bass, but why on earth did they get rid of the truss rod wheel?
  10. Actually the Entwistle tone I prefer is his Tommy era tone of a P Bass through a Hiwatt which I get with a Tech21 Leeds pedal, but you are correct in regards to his latter tone. I will buying one not because Entwistle used to use one but because it looks like it is going to be more versatile than the YYZ and the SH-1 both of which I did consider purchasing. But more importantly if it is close sounding to the PSA-1 which I tried some five years ago then that will be the reason for my purchase.
  11. Yeah I think you are right there!......But personally if it is based on the Rack mountable PSA-1 then I want some of it. The Steve Harris pedal going off reviews seems to be an excellent choice, but I just think the PSA 2.0 has bit more going for it. Combine that with ability to sound like John Entwistle in his latter years seals it for me!
  12. I think he is quite a good Bassist too who most people in the know would take in what his opinion would be.
  13. I was going to purchase the Steve Harris pedal but thank God I delayed it as the PSA looks like it is the better purchase overall.
  14. Yeah it goes nicely with the Rosewood fretboard, but would look even better with a Pau Ferro fretboard.
  15. I have both but I prefer the Spectracomp for its features, but the Multi-Comp Studio Edition gives better old school compressed tone from the off.
  16. TI Flats on a P Bass is a match made in Heaven. Leave them on for around 20 years and you won't look back!
  17. Travelling separately to concerts is just the norm for any big band to do. Older bands tend to take their families along with them once their children have left school so they travel separately, and as for Roger not recording in the same studio well something must have delayed him as Pete was waiting for Roger to come into the studio to record his vocals and this can been seen on Pete's video blog. Daltrey has always recorded his vocals in the same studio used by the rest of the band but he has never allowed Pete to be there when he has laid down his vocal tracks.Most bands from the 60's that are still going are not pally with each individual member and The Who are no different.
  18. I remember John Entwistle referring to himself as a Bass Guitarist, he hated it when people called him a Bass Player.
  19. He is a good man!........But getting back to previous posts, a lot of Who fans claim The By Numbers LP as a really good album that came after Quadrophenia and before Who Are You. Entwistle's Bass on Dreaming from the waist is exceptional. It became a fans favourite when they played it live up to 1982.
  20. But his head is the right place!...And to correct you his Surname is spelt "Daltrey"
  21. I think Daltrey in his day had one of the greatest Rock voices and had a unique stage performance. He is also a true Brexiteer which shows that not all musicians are brainwashed which is refreshing.We have also got to remember that he is pushing 80 so his voice is not going to be the same as it was in the 70's. A truly great man who has given a hell of a lot to charitable causes and he is a true Patriot at heart.
  22. Singles are not relevant anymore but I do like this track. But The Who know they will always make more money and reach a bigger audience by packing out large venues. But I guess that is what The Who have always been about. Playing live on stage is their forte, and lets not forget that both Daltrey and Townshend are both nearly in their eighties, they really don't need irrelevant single success as they have done it all before. Long Live The Who!
  23. That is beautiful!.......Great price too!
  24. I use Seymour Duncan SPB-3 Pups and really like the sound of them. They are the loudest and most popular pups in the series and have a punchy fat tone.
  25. I would say that any competent guitar tech could do a rewind quite easily. I don't know of any company that just does rewinds, that kind of thing usually comes under guitar service/repair.
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