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Everything posted by RedVee

  1. North West Guitars in Warrington are good. I have had them repair a number of my Basses and they know what they are doing.
  2. RedVee

    Amp Modelling

    For pedals I like and use Tech21's VT Bass, Leeds and Sansamp Para Driver, I also use Amplitube for plug ins when recording using a DAW.
  3. I have tried nearly every Flatwound string going, and if you are looking for the brightest then that would be EB Cobalts. Before they came on the market the brightest were Chromes, and as for TI's well they don't come close to Cobalts for brightness but have more midrange qualities.......So go for EB Cobalts.
  4. Strings and Things are suppliers of everything that is EB related in the UK. I don't think that you can get just the grub screws you would have to buy the complete saddles, but if you say it is stripped inside the saddle then purchasing the saddles would be the only solution. The saddles on a Stingray are not the greatest thing about the Bass, and when you want to adjust the height be careful not to go past the point were you feel any kind of resistance.
  5. I use a PF-20T for home recording and it gives me great results using the transformer out directly in my audio interface. The PF-20T is likened to the Ampeg B-15 and the PF-50T is likened to the Ampeg SVT- VR.
  6. I remember Mozzer moving out of LA around 7 years ago. I think he lives in Italy now.
  7. But we went back in 1812 invaded and burned the White House down whilst the crack American troops where seen running off up Capitol Hill. But seriously English accents has got nothing to do with it as proved by The Smiths in the 80's.
  8. I use the paid version of Reaper and the full list of amps,cabs, stomps,racks, EQ's etc can be viewed fully at IK's website as there are too many to mention. But briefly the software you get with the AXE I/O are......... 33 Stompbox models including: Acoustic Sim, Chorus, Flanger, Opto Tremolo, Delay, Wah Pedal, Diode Overdrive, Compressor, Graphic EQ and more 25 Amplifiers including: American Tube Clean 1, British Tube Lead 1, Solid State Bass Preamp, Jazz Amp 120 plus 5 all new classic British amps and more 29 Cabinets including: 4x12 Brit 8000, 4x12 Brit 9000, 4x12 Red Pig, 4x12 Brit Silver, 4x10 Open Vintage, 2x12 Closed Vintage, 4x12 Closed Vintage 1 and more 29 Vintage and modern individual speaker models 12 Microphones including: Double Dynamic 57, Dynamic 57, Condenser 414, Condenser 87 and more 15 Rack effects units including: Digital Delay, Parametric EQ, Rotary Speaker and more 2 Tuners: UltraTuner plus a fully chromatic rack tuner You’ll also receive a selection of 10 of our most popular and best sounding T-RackS 5 processors, covering the most popular outboard gear for mixing guitar, bass, vocals and any other instrument, and mastering full tracks with a world-class sound.
  9. Well I decided to give this Interface a try seeing as I use Amplitube for my VST's and I have forked out quite a bit on their software over the years, so it was an easy decision to try it after not being impressed with my Focusrite 2i4 and was after a back up for my Audient id14. I have had a couple of days messing about with it and everything was plain sailing in regards to downloading everything that you get with the package. Along with the Interface itself you get Amplitube 4 and a selection of T-Racks plugins which are great top notch Compressors, EQ's etc. The first thing I found was that the unit is loud, a lot louder than my Audient and Focusrite and when using Amplitube through it there is a definite improvement in tone that you get from the different amp, cabs etc. It also has two great options with a Z Tone function for passive basses which allows for variable impedance, and a JFET/Pure function which allows you to select two different preamp topologies. It comes with a built in tuner which is spot on and everything out of the box worked as it should. This is THE Interface for guitarists and is made specially for guitarists and I must say that I am very happy with it.
  10. Does it no longer come with the Scarlett plug in suite?
  11. I have watched the majority of his Bass videos and he complains about every Bass ever made. Then a month later he praises them.
  12. What about a Ampeg Micro-VR which comes with a 210AV Cabinet.
  13. I disagree with you there! If you read my posts again I have mentioned that I personally like to understand what the lyrics are all about in a song. There is no commercial aspect to that, but I aint going to argue about it. Some people will like it and others won't and that goes for most things.
  14. Go take a look at the title of this thread, it is a question is it good or is it not good !.Obviously opinions will differ and I gave my opinion which is quite within the Forum rules. Playing the troll card just because you do not agree with someones opinion is really pathetic!
  15. Like I said it is nothing to be ashamed of being in the minority.............I wouldn't worry about it, you have your opinion and I firmly have mine.
  16. I think you would regret it if you sold that Old Smoothie!
  17. Oh yes, I forgot about all of those world renowned Mandarin speaking bands.......😉
  18. I think you will find that all of the bands that have made it big worldwide use English for their lyrics. That's the truth and you can either take it or leave it.There is nothing wrong with bands singing in their native tongue but they won't get farther than their own country in regards to success. And maybe that is what they want, but it most certainly does not appeal to me and the majority of people.But there is nothing wrong being in the minority!
  19. That is a very silly comment!
  20. "Tommy" was in English!
  21. I think it is each to their own but I will stick to the English spoken word.I just can't get into a song that doesn't have English lyrics.
  22. Lyrics are a major part of any song, that seems to be the majority opinion as music that is not sung in English doesn't seem to gain popularity among the people.
  23. Britain's favourite Irishman my bottom!
  24. I am Gassing for one of these, I haven't played one since the 80's when I owned a Musicmaster which I loved. These are going to be considerably lighter than any Stingray ever made.
  25. It looks like they have just removed the HPF from the circuit so as to take off the higher frequencies, which I guess is a way of doing it but it's still not a full on Bass boost.
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